햇살론 유스 신청방법 Detailed information on how to apply for Sunshine Loan Youth – Press World – Loan Information

햇살론 유스 신청방법We will provide detailed instructions on how to apply for the Sunshine Loan Youth.
Sunshine Loan Youth is one of the government-run financial support systems for low-income people, providing low-interest loans to young people to finance their studies or prepare for employment. Sunshine Loan Youth can be applied by those between the ages of 19 and 34 who are unemployed or working at a small or medium-sized business, and can receive a loan of up to 12 million won.


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Before applying for the Sunshine Loan Youth, you must complete financial education.
You must take online training courses through the Education Portal of the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
There are a total of 4 parts and the duration is 37 minutes, so please be sure to complete the training.
In order to enter guarantee application information and submit related documents, the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency accepts documents non-face-to-face.
Please install the app according to your mobile version.
Go to Android version
Go to iOS version
The Korea Inclusive Finance Agency conducts a screening of non-representative documents based on the submitted documents.
Financial education is recognized as having been completed only if there is a record of completion within 6 months from the date of application for guarantee (completion date on the education completion certificate).
As a result of the review, it may be returned or rejected for reasons such as inappropriate use of funds or insufficient or forged documents.

If the warranty review result is approved, a contract conclusion SMS notification will be sent. Proceed to sign a contract in the app.
For non-face-to-face screening, please prepare the fund use plan in detail by focusing on checking the adequacy of the ‘fund use plan’ and submitted documents.
caution. If financial education is not completed, a guarantee agreement cannot be concluded.

After signing the guarantee agreement, you can apply for a loan from the bank of your choice by comparing preferential services among Sunshine Loan Youth partner banks (Industrial Bank, Shinhan Bank, and Jeonbuk Bank).
Check the preferential services of the partner bank and apply through the bank’s mobile app.


Additional post…
Learn how to safely receive a loan of up to 3 million won for the unemployed – Press World
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햇살론 유스 신청방법
