한일전기 서비스센터 및 고객센터 Hanil Electric Service Center and Customer Center

Hanil fans are well-received as cost-effective home appliances along with Shinil fans. They are popular because they have high sales rates and low failure rates. If you use these fans for a long time, the control panel may break down or, if you are unlucky, the motor may break down. In preparation for such cases, it is good to know the location and phone number of the service center in advance. Since Hanil fan AS centers are distributed by region, there is no difficulty in receiving repairs. If you are curious about the location and phone number of Hanil fan service centers by branch right now, you can check it right away by going to the page below.

한일전기 서비스센터

한일전기 서비스센터

Go directly to the Hanil fan service center search page

• Hanil fan customer center phone number
• Find a service center by region
• Hanil product warranty period information and warranty period by item

Hanil fan customer center phone number
You can call the Hanil Electronics customer center at 1588-1183 or call the CS center in your region directly. For inquiries about visiting the service center, it is best to contact the local branch. Business hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays, excluding weekends and public holidays. Lunchtime is from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, so it is best to avoid visiting or calling during this time.

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Find a service center by region
Hanil Electronics service centers are evenly distributed throughout the country, but there are some in mountainous and island regions that do not have one. If there is no service center nearby, you must use on-site service or courier AS for repairs. Finding a service center is not difficult. This is because the official Hanil Electronics website provides detailed information on service centers by region.

Hanil Service Center Search Page Capture Image
Hanil Fan Service Center Search Page Capture Image – You can go directly through the link below.

⏩ Go to Hanil Fan Service Center Search Page

Hanil Product Warranty Period Guide and Warranty Period by Item
This company provides a warranty service that repairs defects that occur under normal usage conditions according to the user manual within the specified period from the date of purchase free of charge.

If the date of purchase of the product is unclear, the warranty period is considered to start from the date of manufacture or import customs clearance of the product plus 3 months. Repair service will be provided for a fee for all malfunctions that occur after the warranty period. In particular, if a product classified as household use is used for commercial purposes or in an abnormal environment, the original free warranty period will be reduced by half and applied for only 6 months.

In the event of a malfunction, please present the product warranty to the place of purchase or the A/S center of the head office and request service. The handling of product repair, exchange, refund, etc. will be carried out in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards notified by the Fair Trade Commission. In addition, we inform you that our company has the necessary parts for a certain period from the date of manufacture for the A/S of the product. During this period, the necessary parts can be secured and the product can be repaired.