하이패스 단말기 등록방법 How to register Hi-Pass terminal

In this article, we will tell you about two ways to register a Hi-Pass terminal.
If you have replaced a new Hi-Pass terminal or acquired a used vehicle, you must complete the Hi-Pass terminal registration process after installing the terminal for it to function properly, so you must go through the Hi-Pass terminal registration process even though it is cumbersome.하이패스 단말기 등록

하이패스 단말기 등록

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal


Types of Hi-Pass Terminals
How to register Hi-Pass terminal
1. Online registration
1-1. Access the Hi-Pass website
1-2. Download and run the terminal registration program
1-3. Terminal connection
1-4. Enter customer and vehicle information
2. Offline registration

Types of Hi-Pass Terminals
There are two types of Hi-Pass terminals.

When you think of high-pass terminals, there is a ‘self-registration terminal’, which is a common terminal that comes to mind.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal
There is a ‘Room Mirror Terminal’ that has a Hi-Pass terminal built into the room mirror.


The integrated rearview mirror is usually included as an option when purchasing a vehicle, but these days, many people seem to purchase and install it separately.

And in the case of room mirror terminals, since the seller or vehicle manufacturer sends them after registering the Hi-Pass terminal at the time of shipment, they are often changed rather than newly registered.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal

There are other subsidy terminals and discount terminals, but since each is a little different from the regular terminal, I will leave only the reference links.


If you have any questions about subsidy terminals and exemption terminals, please refer to the Korea Expressway Corporation website.


Go to Korea Expressway Corporation subsidy terminal information



In this article, we will introduce two ways to register a ‘self-registration terminal’, which is a general Hi-Pass terminal.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal
Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal

How to register Hi-Pass terminal
Hi-Pass terminals can be registered offline and online, respectively.

Those who say ‘I don’t want to register externally’ can register online, and those who say ‘registering on a computer is more troublesome’ can register offline.


1. Online registration
First, we will explain how to register online.

There are four steps to online registration, which are explained in detail below, so please refer to them.


1-1. Access the Hi-Pass website
To register your terminal, first go to the Hi-Pass homepage.

We have left a link to the Hi-Pass homepage, so you can use it.


You can also search for ‘Hipass’ on the portal site.


Hi-Pass homepage


Then, click ‘Registration and Information Inquiry’ under ‘Terminal Management’ at the bottom.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal

1-2. Download and run the terminal registration program
To register a new terminal, you must run ex Agent, a program provided by Hipass.

On the screen, click the ‘Run Agent Program’ button as shown below to download the program.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal
And once the download is complete, click the ‘Run’ button that appears at the bottom to run the program.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal

You can tell whether the download was successful by the presence or absence of the icon at the bottom right.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal

Then click the ‘Check Ex Agent Execution’ button on the screen to confirm execution.


1-3. Terminal connection
Once the program installation and execution is complete, connect the terminal.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal
Then click the ‘Check terminal connection’ button to check the connection again.


1-4. Enter customer and vehicle information
Now enter the customer information and vehicle information accurately as shown below.

Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal
Two ways to register Hi-Pass terminal
If you have completed entering the above information, terminal registration is now complete.


2. Offline registration
Offline registration is relatively simple.


If you go to the ‘National Hi-Pass Center’, you can easily register your Hi-Pass terminal.

If you frequently use the highway, we recommend registering offline.


All you need to register the terminal is an ID (I think it’s related to the fee), and please note that agents can also register.


If you are planning to purchase a Hi-Pass terminal, it is convenient to complete the registration at the time of purchase because offline stores do the registration on the spot.


These days, it seems that when purchasing a new Hi-Pass terminal, the seller often completes the registration.

However, this is not the case for all, and since there are many cases where the terminal is purchased second-hand, it seems that there are still many cases where you have to register the Hi-Pass terminal yourself.

Please refer to the information introduced today to complete terminal registration.