파리바게뜨 기프티콘 사용법If you make an inquiry through the office phone number or contact number in the region you wish to attend, we will inform you of the attendance schedule. In the case of regions, call the nearest Paris Baguette office by region and we will guide you. You can visit us on the date indicated by bringing a simple pen. Phone: See contact information by region
If you have secured a store, ask the person in charge to conduct a market survey and we will inform you of whether or not you can enter the store through specific and various research methods. If you do not have a store, attend the business briefing held by the head office every week, submit your application form, and receive regional consultations. and stores that have completed market research.
Combined payment with credit card, cash, gift certificate, etc. is possible.
Gift cards cannot be exchanged for cash, but can be refunded in cash if more than 60% of the face value is used. – Refund procedure: Deposit to the customer’s designated account within 5 days (based on business days) after receipt at the Paris Baguette Customer Center (080-731-2027)
A gift card is an anonymous card and cannot be compensated for in case of theft or loss.
The validity period is 5 years from the date of purchase. After this period, the card cannot be used.
Available at all Paris Croissant brands (Paris Croissant, Paris Baguette, Pascucci, Jamba Juice, Linas, Tamati, Fashion 5, Queen’s Park, La Grillia). ) is not available.
In case of a credit card refund, contact the Paris Baguette Customer Center at 080-731-2027 and check the card number and name before receiving a refund.
If the magnet is damaged, the card cannot be used, so you must request a refund. In case of a card refund, contact the Paris Baguette Customer Center at 080-731-2027 and check the card number, name, and place of purchase before receiving a refund.
yes. Points can be earned or discounted just like regular credit cards or cash.
You cannot recharge other than the amount indicated on the front of the card.
customer service center
Weekdays 09:00 – 17:00 (Lunch 12:00 – 13:00)
customer praise