컴퓨터 메모리 부족해결 [Your computer is running out of memory] 1 minute solution (to restore enough memory for programs to work properly)

컴퓨터 메모리 부족해결First, let’s look at the screen in question.
I think you may have come to this post because of the error window below.

There are two major causes of this problem.
1) If your computer is running out of memory
2) Insufficient virtual memory

Case 1 can mainly occur when your PC memory is 4GB.
These days, Windows alone occupies 2-3 GB.
Even if you open a document like Excel or a few Internet windows like Chrome, it eats up 2~3GB quickly.
4GB may not be enough.

Therefore, at least 8GB is recommended these days, and if you play games, it is better to set it to 16GB.
If you don’t know your PC’s memory capacity, please refer to the post below.

▶ How to check PC memory (simply check capacity)
▶ How to check detailed PC memory specifications (model name, specifications, etc.)

Through the above post, if you really lack your memory capacity and want to expand
Be sure to check the tips for buying RAM memory through the video below.

For example, you can just plug in a mouse or keyboard, but
There are not only two things to check for memory, from slots to specifications and capacity.

In other words, if even one is not compatible, it is not recognized, so you can throw away several thousand won.

▼ RAM Memory Purchase Tips

The introduction was too long.
There are many causes of computer failures, and there are many ways to fix them.
However, the cause of the above error window is fortunately in two cases,
If it is not a real memory shortage, you can solve it with the following measures.

1) First, right-click on My Computer on the desktop -> click Properties

2) Click [Advanced system settings] on the left

3) Click [Advanced] at the top of the system properties window

4) Click [Performance] – [Settings] in the Advanced tab

5) This time, the [Performance Options] window appears, click the [Advanced tab] again

6) Click [Change] in the [Virtual Memory] section of the [Advanced] tab

* Oh, for reference, I am a current engineer, posting more than 10 years of PC know-how on my blog and YouTube.
We will help you with PC-related inquiries 100% free of charge, so please use the social media below.
▶ PC failure inquiry bulletin board
▶ PC Tips Cafe (Naver)
▶ YouTube

▶ Youtube

7) This is the last window. The first thing you see in the Virtual Memory window is
Uncheck the [Automatically manage paging file size for all drives] box.

8) It may be a bit confusing after this, but since it is the most important part and the last setting, let’s focus a little more.
Do you see [2935 MB] next to [Recommended] at the bottom?

You will of course be different from my capacity.
Write down the recommended capacity in [Custom size].
> Initial size: 2935
> max size: 2935

* Never write down 2935, I used my recommended dose as an example.
You can write down the recommended dosage for each person.

Then you need to click “Settings”.
If you click “OK” before “Setting”, the capacities you have set will not be applied.

* To recap
Enter [Recommended Capacity] in [Initial Size, Max Size] > Click Settings > Click OK
will be pure

PC repair that is not taught at school, computer AS know-how that only the boss knew
© We generously inform you of IT tips from the head of the computer team of a large company.

컴퓨터 메모리 부족해결
