카톡 투데이 How many people have clicked on my profile picture?/ Kakao Talk update/ Kakao Today/ Kakao Talk Today/ Number of profile visitors

카톡 투데이About a month ago, KakaoTalk also had a function to press likes, which became a hot topic. This time, a widget for the number of profile visitors was added.
It is a statistics widget that shows how many people have visited my profile. It reminds me of Cyworld Today in the past. At that time, I was crazy about Today and used to see who was popular…
How to set it, edit your profile – click the heart icon on the far left – TODAY
This is the end of the setting. This widget is free to set the size, so it can be hidden, but it is usually overlapped with the music widget.
It includes what I clicked on myself, and it gets double counted. Even if I drop my profile page, Today rises. The question I’m curious about here is – Do you count the number of visitors for a day- or do you keep counting the number of visitors? Can you see a Today widget? You will probably find out later if you use it. For reference, this widget only shows the number of visitors, but it does not show who visited it. If you are really curious or want to know, create a multi-profile Designate and set up only one person. Then, set the visitor widget on the multi-profile. But I don’t know what this means (for unrequited love or thumbs up?) I think you can just see it for fun. Negative reactions to this update There are many, but I like it. It’s not forced to be displayed on the profile unconditionally, and you only need to set the person you want to do.
KakaoTalk not only functions as a messenger, but also allows you to decorate your profile picture, set background music, and even see the number of likes and visitors, so it feels like a fusion of Instagram and Cyworld. It seems to be perfect for people who often squat.

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