카카오뱅크 pc 로그인 How to log in to Kakao Bank PC

I had to prepare the documents in a hurry.
in the process of explaining
I’m just trying to communicate over the phone.
I’m having trouble, so I’ll try to summarize it on my blog. 카카오뱅크 pc 로그인

it’s not difficult
There are so many tabs and categories in Cabin. 이베이스매뉴얼
It can be crazy going back and forth.

One of the best blog stickers
Click on the area indicated by the blue arrow.
(In the case of re-registering the image as it is)
I’ve seen it occasionally, so I kept putting in my nickname)

카카오뱅크 pc 로그인

After running the Kakao Bank application (app)

Move the page by clicking on the tab at the bottom.
When you go to the customer center, there is ‘Issue a certificate’.

Click ‘Deposit’ among the various certificates
Click on ‘Transfer Confirmation’ in the middle.

It’s a simple explanation
If you want to use it right away, you can log in at this point.
You can choose the issuance method.
Mail takes quite some time.
PC output recommended!

In fact, I wish there was a PDF or Excel file output.
These days, the home tax of the National Tax Service is all in PDF or image files.
In a world that accepts documents, I want to print it out and scan it again.
very cumbersome…
For security reasons, printing can only be done with a wired printer.
I don’t think it can be helped… but it’s also cumbersome.

The arrows look a bit too many
Proceed in order from top to bottom.
First, select the account that requires a transfer confirmation
If you click ‘Next’
You can view the transfer history.
After selecting a period, click ‘Search’
Just select the items you need.

Here is an important part.
I don’t know if it’s just the iPhone.
First, write an explanation.

The transfer details are the same as the usual account transfer details.
They are sorted by the most recent date.
You should check the page you see first.

not in capture
There is a ‘More’ button at the bottom.
If you click this button, the recent history is not displayed.
It goes beyond being invisible.

the page doesn’t scroll down
The contents inside are changed to the previous date.

So it’s hard to go back and forth
If you need a lot of items
Choosing well from the start
by clicking on more
You have to go to a past date.
If everything is checked, go to ‘Next’.

This process
This is a process commonly used in cabin.
There is nothing left to explain.

In this way, the issuance of the transfer confirmation was completed.

‘Kakao Bank PC Homepage’
-> ‘Customer Center’ in the top tab
-> Go to ‘My certificate issuance history’
You have to go in and print it out.
Click Sign In in the middle of the page
It pops up like this
Authentication is either a QR code or an authentication number.
You just have to choose

In the Kakao Bank app for PC login
Verification number verification or QR code verification
have to go through

The bottom tab in the main cabin
-> ‘App Settings’ at the top right
-> PC login

Then choose one of these two
You will see a page where you can verify.

Left: authentication number login / Right: QR code login

After this window appears, click OK
Click the Next button on the home page
processing is smooth

Now this blog post is to show an example
I did it while capturing it myself.
Yesterday wasn’t something I did myself.
Cabin is only available on your phone with usim
because you can log in
I’m here to help, but the timing is right.
After entering everything, click OK
You can click on the following button on the website
Because the moment is not right
I did it again and it was so frustrating haha

After logging in like this
before pressing the print button
Be sure to click ‘Test Print’ first.
rather than checking the printer status.
It is recommended to check the program status.

You need to download the relevant program.
Press first to print
Sometimes the computer
The page exits or refreshes
You may need to log in again.

look below
It says to refresh in case of an error.
Try not to print a test
When I click print immediately, I get an error when installing
Logged out after refreshing.

Like this-

Cabin transfer confirmation
Not organized on one page
It is output per case.

Previously, when processing my monthly rent cash receipt
using IBK
I think I ended up with one page, didn’t I?

In any case, the monthly payment receipt processing
It’s also annoying to get a transfer confirmation.
Ha year-end settlement…