중장년내일센터 신청방법 Middle-aged Tomorrow Center Employment support service for those in their 40s or older – Government Support Foryou

중장년내일센터 신청방법Middle-aged Tomorrow Center provides professional employment and entrepreneurship support to middle-aged and elderly people. Through this, middle-aged people can use their experience and skills to find various job opportunities. In addition, new jobs can be created through entrepreneurship. In addition, life career planning education and counseling are provided to help middle-aged people prepare for their future careers. Through this, middle-aged people can make plans for the future and prepare accordingly. We also offer a variety of educational programs such as e-learning. Through this, the middle-aged can develop themselves in areas such as job training, career development, and skill acquisition.

For middle-aged people aged 40 or older who are (scheduled to) retire from their main job, we support smooth transition to the next job through life career planning programs, re-employment and job change support services, etc. Middle-aged Tomorrow Centers are operated in 31 locations nationwide, and are operated by private organizations such as the Labor and Management Development Foundation, the Regional Employers Association, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This organization provides customized comprehensive solutions for the middle-aged and the elderly, and provides various services such as job change support service tailored to the middle-aged, employment and start-up support for re-employment, specialized services by region and industry, and 1:1 customized consulting considering psychological changes. .

● Target: Current employees and job seekers aged 40 or older ● Details: Career development and systematic re-employment activities through career checks and future planning Career management support*「Identification of career characteristics through basic and in-depth counseling→Classification of service types by individual goals→Provision of life-career design programs→Connection with jobs, job education, and training→Provision of customized employment support services such as follow-up management’

● Target: Current employees and job seekers aged 40 or older ● Details: Provide job change and re-employment support services depending on middle-aged and older age types (employees and job seekers)▴ (retirement support for job change) In-depth counseling ● Job change readiness test ● Competency diagnosis ● Education/training ● Employment Provision of business start-up information▴ (support for job seekers to take off again) In-depth counseling ● Education/training ● Employment/start-up information provision ● Job placement ● Job club ● Follow-up management

● Target: Business owners who want to hire middle-aged and older people aged 40 or older ● Details: Targeted at business owners to expand employment of the middle-aged and older people ①Consulting on continuous employment of the elderly and new recruitment, ②Job education/training required by companies, ③’Recruitment support team’ Providing customized services that business owners want, such as intensive mediation through

First, you need to make sure it fits your target audience. The Middle-aged Tomorrow Center is operated for (scheduled) retirees aged 40 or older. Therefore, if this does not apply, use is not possible.
Second, you need to check the service usage period. The period of use is 6 months from the date of approval, and all services provided within the period must be used.
Third, you need to prepare the necessary documents. If you have necessary documents such as resume, cover letter, and certificate, you should prepare them in advance.
Fourth, you must check the reservation time and visit so as not to be late. To use services such as counseling provided by the center, you must check the reservation time and visit the center on time.
Fifth, you must actively participate in employment preparation. The Middle-aged Tomorrow Center provides programs to prepare for employment, such as writing resumes and preparing for interviews. It is important to actively participate in this and continue job hunting activities.

Middle-aged Tomorrow Center is a place that provides employment support services such as job change and employment to middle-aged people aged 40 and older, as well as life planning, re-employment, entrepreneurship, and social participation opportunities. According to the 4th Elderly Employment Promotion Basic Plan, the middle-aged employment support service provides customized services tailored to the characteristics of the elderly in connection with the Employment Welfare + Center and local governments. These centers provide step-by-step customized services free of charge, and are operated in 31 locations nationwide.

A. We provide overall employment support services for the middle-aged. We provide support for job change and employment from the pre-retirement stage to post-employment search, as well as counseling and training for re-employment and entrepreneurship.

A. It is targeted for middle-aged people aged 40 or older. In particular, we provide a lot of support to people before or about to retire.

A. Yes, all services of the Middle Age Tomorrow Center are free.

A. There are currently 31 middle-aged tomorrow centers nationwide.

A. To use the services of the Center for Middle Aged Tomorrow, visit the center or apply online.

A. The Middle Ages Tomorrow Center provides education and counseling for re-employment and entrepreneurship after retirement. In addition, we operate various educational programs such as computer and Internet education and financial education.
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중장년내일센터 신청방법

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