주민등록등본 인터넷발급 방법 How to issue a resident registration certificate online

In the case of a copy of resident registration or family relationship certificate, it can be said to be a supporting document that is often issued by visiting the local community center and submitting the documents, or by obtaining it online and printing it out before submitting it.

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the number of cases of issuing or submitting documents non-face-to-face has increased, so the method of issuing documents online and submitting or submitting documents online is being widely used. Even if documents are not issued in person, they can be submitted online and submitted via email or the Internet. is possible.


Issuance or submission via the Internet has the advantage of being faster than any other method because the Internet is available regardless of time and place, and documents can be issued and submitted at Civil Service 24 hours a day.


This time, we have summarized how to issue a resident registration certificate online and how to save it as a PDF file to submit it online or by email.



How to issue a resident registration certificate online and how to save a PDF file


What is a resident registration certificate?
How to issue a resident registration certificate online
How to save resident registration copy PDF file


What is a resident registration certificate?
How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file_Government 24 homepage screen
How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file_Government 24 homepage screen

A copy of the resident registration table is usually called a copy of the resident registration or simply a certified copy.


A copy of the resident registration table is prepared according to the resident registration table for each household.


It is said to be a document that groups people living in one household.



How to issue a resident registration certificate online

Issuance of a resident registration certificate online is possible after logging in to the Government 24 website or going through the identity verification process when issued as a non-member.



How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file_Government 24 homepage screen
How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file_Government 24 homepage screen

How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file

How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file_Government 24 homepage screen

Access the government 24 website
Select Complaint Request from the service menu.
Select Application/Inquiry/Issuance from the complaint application menu.
Search for a copy of your resident registration and select Issue.
After confirming that your address is correct for each item, select Submit a complaint.
Simple authentication (authentication is possible after entering the mobile phone number in your name such as Naver, Kakao, etc.) or joint authentication.
·Select a financial certificate and proceed with the identity verification process.

If you follow the above steps, the online issuance of your resident registration certificate will be completed.



How to save resident registration copy PDF file

Let’s now save the issued resident registration copy as a PDF file.


Saving as PDF is very simple.


How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file

How to issue a copy of resident registration online and how to save a PDF file

After checking the issued resident registration certificate, select Print Document on the right.
Select Print in the top right.
Select PDF on the print page.
Change the file name to make it easier for you to check and save it.


It can be conveniently used when you need to submit a copy of your resident registration to multiple places using the online issuance of resident registration, and it is convenient when traveling with infants because you can receive various benefits by carrying the copy as a PDF or photo.


In addition, even when you need to submit documents by email or the Internet, you can easily submit documents without visiting the institution by obtaining a PDF through the Internet issuance of your resident registration certificate, which is a big advantage in saving time.


I hope this post will be of some help to those who wanted to know how to issue a resident registration certificate online or to those who were curious about how to save a resident registration certificate as a PDF.

Up to this point, we have discussed how to issue a resident registration copy online and how to save a PDF file.