전북은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Jeonbuk Bank customer center and phone number

Simply check the Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center phone number. These days, everyone’s names are in English. Jeonbuk Bank is called JB Bank.

전북은행 고객센터

전북은행 고객센터

Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center phone number is 1588-4477. This is a phone number that can be used for everything from general consultation to accident reports and loss reports. The hours to call a counselor are from 9:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and from 9:00 to 13:30 on Saturdays.



However, the services available outside of branch operating hours may be limited. If you want to do banking, I think it’s best to do it before 4:00, or at least before 18:00.

Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number: 1588-4477
Non-face-to-face credit loan phone number: 1522-1704
Agent connection: Weekdays 9:00 – 20:00, Saturdays 9:00 – 13:30

Since there are so many voice phishing and financial scams these days, it would be a good idea to check and use the Jeonbuk Bank customer center phone number directly. In that case, you can check by accessing the Jeonbuk Bank website.


As shown in the screen below, if you select [Customer Center], a phone number will appear and you can connect right away.

Jeonbuk Bank-Homepage
Jeonbuk Bank’s website is www.jbbacnk.co.kr.



Jeonbuk Bank loss report, accident report
If you lose a Jeonbuk Bank card, check, security card, bankbook, or seal, it is safer to report the loss quickly. Even though reissuing is cumbersome and inconvenient, be sure to report the loss. The criminal methods are so sophisticated and sophisticated that it is best to be as careful as possible.


To report an accident through the Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center, call 1588-4477 and press 63 to go to the various accident reporting menus. Items that can be reported as lost include cash/debit cards, Visa cards, cashier’s checks, security cards, bankbooks, and personal seals.


If you report it lost and find it, you can cancel the accident report. Accident report cancellation can only be done by visiting a Jeonbuk Bank branch. At this time, you must bring your ID to unlock it. Additionally, check accident reports can only be made on checks issued by Jeonbuk Bank, and if you do not know the check number, you must visit the check issuance branch.