자동차 검사 예약하는 방법 How to Schedule a Car Inspection

There are two types of vehicle inspection: regular vehicle inspection and comprehensive vehicle inspection.자동차 검사 예약

자동차 검사 예약

Car regular inspection
Regular inspection is an inspection conducted by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport after a certain period of time to continuously check whether newly registered vehicles are in a suitable state for safe driving.

The validity period of regular inspection for non-commercial passenger vehicles is the first 4 years after new registration of the vehicle, and the validity period of regular inspection after the final regular inspection is 2 years.
Comprehensive automobile inspection
Comprehensive automobile inspection is a system that integrates regular inspection, vehicle exhaust gas, and specific diesel vehicle exhaust gas inspection items that were previously received separately into one inspection, and integrates the inspection period into the regular inspection period to complete all inspections in one inspection. no see.

The areas subject to detailed exhaust gas inspection are as follows.
Gwangju Metropolitan City, Daejeon Metropolitan City, Ulsan Metropolitan City, Gimhae City, Yongin City, Jeonju City, Changwon City, Cheonan City, Cheongju City, Pohang City, and Hwaseong City
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What if I don’t get a car inspection?
If you do not undergo a comprehensive vehicle inspection, you may be subject to an inspection reminder, inspection order, license plate removal, and fines.

If the inspection delay period is less than 30 days – 40,000 won
If the inspection delay period exceeds 30 days but is less than 114 days – KRW 40,000 plus KRW 20,000 for each additional 3 days from the 31st day
If the inspection delay period is more than 115 days, a fine of up to 600,000 won will be imposed.
Avoid being charged a fine by scheduling your car inspection below.


Schedule a Car Inspection
Car inspection reservations can be made at the Korea Transportation Safety Authority cyber inspection center.

Cyber ​​Inspection Center Homepage
1. Access the Korea Transportation Safety Authority Cyber ​​Inspection Center website and log in with your public certificate.

2. Click Automobile Inspection Reservation > Inquiry/Reservation of Inspection Vehicle.

3. After selecting the car inspection, click Schedule Car Inspection.

4. After checking I agree, enter your vehicle registration number and 6-digit resident registration number, and then click Vehicle Search.

5. Click Continue.

6. Enter the mobile phone number of the person making the reservation > Agree to the collection of personal information > Click Next.

7. Select the reservation date and inspection site.

8. Select your desired time.

9. Check the reservation information window and click OK.

10. After confirming the reservation information and making payment, your car inspection reservation will be completed.

car inspection cost
Car inspection costs are as follows:

light car
Small, less than 1000cc
Medium sized person under 1600cc
Large vehicles over 1600cc
2000cc or more
Regular inspection 17,000 23,000 26,500 29,000
Total (Load) 48,000 54,000 56,000 65,000
Total (no load) 34,000 39,000 45,000 49,000
Total (emission exemption) 15,000 20,000 24,000 26,000
Load: This is a method of measuring while driving at a constant constant speed, and applies to 4-wheel drive vehicles.
No load: This involves starting the engine and checking the exhaust gases while it is stopped. This applies to general vehicles.
Emission exemption: This is an exemption system for a certain period of time only for diesel vehicles equipped with exhaust emission reduction devices.
Information on automobile inspection fee reduction
If you tell the receptionist that you are eligible for a discount, you can receive a fee discount through electronic inquiry. The targets are as follows:

Reduction rate for vehicles eligible for reduction
A vehicle issued with a disabled vehicle placard
※Excluding welfare facilities for the disabled, welfare organizations for the disabled, etc. Severe:
80% of vehicles issued with car placards for prosthetics, such as persons of national merit or national merit
Single-parent families: 80% of cars registered as those eligible for support under the “Single-Parent Family Support Act”
Basic livelihood recipients Cars registered as owned by basic livelihood recipients Excluding housing benefit recipients, education benefit recipients, and security facility recipients
※Excluding housing benefit recipients, education benefit recipients, and security facility recipients 100%
Car Accident Victims Families Receiving support from the Car Accident Family Support Project 80% of cars registered as owned by the accident party or a direct blood relative within the second degree of the accident party
15% of cars registered as owned by the head of the household (including spouse) in a multi-child family with three or more children under the age of 18
100% of cars registered as owned by winners of the TS Traffic Safety Award
Car Inspection FAQs
Q. What is the validity period for car inspection?

A. The validity period of regular inspection is stipulated in Annex 15-2 of the Enforcement Rules of the Automobile Management Act.

Non-commercial passenger cars and towed cars: 2 years (the initial inspection validity period for cars deemed to have undergone a new inspection pursuant to Article 43, Paragraph 5 of the Act as new vehicles) is 4 years.
Passenger car for business use: 1 year
Light and small vans and trucks: 1 year
Large cargo vehicle for business use: 1 year if the vehicle is less than 2 years old, 6 months if the vehicle is more than 2 years old
Medium-sized vans and large commercial vans: 1 year if the vehicle is 8 years old or less, 6 months if the vehicle is more than 8 years old
Other vehicles: 1 year if the vehicle is less than 5 years old, 6 months if the vehicle is more than 5 years old
Q. How much is the fine if I do not receive a car inspection within the period?

A. Fines are stipulated in Appendix 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Automobile Management Act and are imposed by the relevant local government.

If the inspection delay period is less than 30 days, 40,000 won. If the inspection delay period is more than 30 days but less than 114 days, the amount is 40,000 won plus 20,000 won for each additional 3 days starting from the 31st day. If the inspection delay period is more than 115 days, the amount is 40,000 won. 600,000 won will be charged.

Q. I completed the car inspection, but a fine was imposed.

A. If you complete the vehicle inspection within the inspection period, you are not subject to a fine. Since fines are imposed by local governments, you can proceed smoothly by contacting the competent government office.

Q. Is it possible to extend the vehicle inspection and re-inspection period?

A. Article 75 of the Enforcement Rules of the Automobile Management Act stipulates the reasons for extending the inspection validity period, but does not specify the reasons for extending the re-inspection period. Therefore, it is not possible to extend the re-inspection period, and if the re-inspection period is exceeded, the vehicle will be treated as if it has not been inspected, the vehicle inspection fee will be incurred again, and the inspection procedure will begin from the beginning.

Q. The car inspection period has passed, but I received a fine notice.

A. Our corporation is an automobile inspection agent designated in accordance with Article 44, Paragraph 1 of the Automobile Management Act and carries out work related to automobile inspection. Work related to the inspection validity period and fines is performed by the local government where the automobile is registered. Therefore, you can receive a more accurate answer if you contact the local government where the vehicle is registered.

So far, we have learned about how to schedule a car inspection. You must undergo a vehicle inspection within 31 days before or after the expiration date to avoid paying a fine. Thank you for reading this long article.