워라밸일자리장려금 신청방법Do you know about the Work-Life Balance Job Incentive, which allows employers to receive subsidies when employees work short hours? It is said that the support target for the 2024 Work-Life Balance Job Incentive will be relaxed, so more workers and business owners will be able to receive the subsidy!
Let’s find out who is eligible for the 2024 Work-Life Balance Job Incentive, what it supports, and how to apply!
Work-life balance job incentives
Work-life balance job incentives
Issuing a work-life balance job incentive mid-sized company confirmation certificate
Work-life balance job incentive support target
Work-life balance job incentive support details
How to apply for work-life balance job incentives
Go to online application for work-life balance job incentive
Work-life balance job incentive application process
Do you understand the 2024 Work-Life Balance Job Incentives support target, support details, and application method? As the scope of support has expanded and more workers and employers can benefit, we hope that participation in the Work-Life Balance Job Incentive System will create a satisfactory working environment for both workers and employers:)
★ ★ ★ Good policies to look at together ★ ★ ★
[Youth Job Leap Incentive] Check the contents and target of the 2024 Youth Job Leap Incentive and apply! (Maximum 1,200 people
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[Weekly holiday allowance] If you are an employee who works more than 15 hours a week, do not miss the weekly holiday allowance! (Weekly holiday allowance conditions/calculator/US)
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