에어컨 전기세 계산 Are you afraid of a bomb on your electricity bill? How to calculate air conditioner electricity bills and tips for saving electricity bills – Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Newsroom

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Are you afraid of a bomb on your electricity bill? How to calculate air conditioner electricity bills and tips for saving electricity bills


The hot and sweltering summer weather. These days, when you go out, it’s hard to find places like buses and restaurants that don’t have air conditioning on. However, if you turn on the air conditioner at home as much as you want, you can face a huge electricity bill that is worse than the heat. In particular, home appliances such as air conditioners can be used much more economically if you carefully consider the electricity bill. So today, we will introduce you to how to calculate air conditioner electricity bills and some tips for saving on electricity bills!
During the hot summer season, air conditioners, fans, and other cooling appliances in every home run non-stop. As a result, electricity usage increases rapidly and power outages often occur. In order to save household power consumption, KEPCO has been applying the current six-stage progressive tax system since 2004, after introducing a progressive tax in 1974. The progressive electricity tax is a system in which the more electricity you use, the more expensive your electricity bill becomes. Would you like to find out more?
Residential electricity bills are progressive for every 100 kwh of electricity usage. For example, when using less than 100kwH of power in a general apartment, a fee of 60.7 won per kwH is applied, but when power usage exceeds 200kwH, a fee of 125.9 won per kwH is applied. The following is the electricity rate table for homes using low-voltage power provided by the Korea Electric Power Corporation website.
※ Electricity rate table for houses using low-voltage power:
If power usage exceeds a certain amount, the fee per kWh increases by up to two times. Therefore, you must carefully check the electricity bill, which varies depending on the progressive tax, to use electricity efficiently. If you use the ‘My Home Electricity Bill’ service provided on the Korea Electric Power Corporation website, you can more easily calculate the estimated electricity bill by simply entering the home appliance and usage time.
It is important to carefully consider progressive taxes to reduce power usage, but it is not easy to reduce the use of air conditioning appliances during the summer. However, if you use cooling appliances such as air conditioners efficiently, you can more easily save on electricity bills. So, let’s find out together how to increase the efficiency of using air conditioners in our daily lives.
The basic way to use air conditioning appliances efficiently is to purchase products with a high energy efficiency rating. The energy consumption efficiency rating indicates the efficiency of home appliances, automobiles, etc. compared to the amount of electricity used. It is divided into grades 1 to 5, and the closer it is to grade 1, the more energy efficient the product is.
In the case of air conditioners, the cooling efficiency is indicated along with the energy consumption efficiency rating. Cooling efficiency is an indicator of the cooling capacity possible with the power consumed per hour. Even if the energy consumption efficiency rating is high, if the cooling efficiency is low, the power usage is high. Therefore, when purchasing an air conditioner, you must check the cooling efficiency along with the energy consumption efficiency rating! You should remember that, right?
Using a fan with an air conditioner is also a way to save on electricity bills. This is because the cold air from the air conditioner is quickly spread through the air by the fan. As a result, the time to reach the target temperature is shortened, reducing air conditioner usage.
Additionally, it is recommended that the air conditioner be operated on high power from the first time it is turned on. Since air conditioners use a lot of electricity when they start operating, it is much more efficient to use intensive cooling as soon as it starts operating than to increase the intensity in the middle. Above all, you should be careful because turning the power on and off frequently can result in high electricity bills, right?
Above, we have introduced how to calculate air conditioner electricity bills and how to use air conditioners efficiently. It turns out that if you are a little careful, you can save a lot of money on your electricity bill. I hope you have a cool summer this year without worrying about electricity bills!

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