어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to check fines for speeding in child protection zones

What happens if you exceed the speed limit while driving in a child protection zone designed to protect children? For those of you who are curious about this, today we would like to provide you with all information related to fines for speeding in child protection zones. Let’s consider not only the safety of your children, but also the safety of your wallet.

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

어린이 보호구역 속도위반
1. Speeding violations in school zones: laws and fines
How are speeding violations in child protection zones regulated by law? Let’s look at this in more detail.


With the application of the 2020 School Zone Civilization Act, laws on speeding violations within child protection zones have become stricter. You must be careful about your speed in school zones. Violation of this law will result in fines and demerit points.


When driving below 20km/h, a fine of 70,000 won and 15 penalty points will be imposed for passenger cars. These fines and demerit points increase as driving speed increases.

For example, when driving more than 20 km/h but less than 40 km/h, a passenger car will be subject to a fine of 100,000 won and 30 penalty points. Speeding violations result in penalty points as well as fines, so to avoid this, you must adhere to the given speed limit within the school zone.


Additionally, speeding violations in school zones also affect the driver’s insurance premiums. For one violation, a 5% surcharge is applied to insurance premiums, and for two or more violations, a 10% surcharge is applied. Because of this, speeding violations can result in a burden not only on your wallet but also on your insurance premiums.


Speeding violations in child protection zones not only threaten the safety of children, but can also result in legal sanctions, high fines, and demerit points. In school zones, you must obey the given speed limit and drive safely. This helps us keep our children safe and ourselves safe.

In conclusion, speeding in school zones is not only a major problem, but can also result in legal sanctions and economic losses. Let us all drive safely and watch children smile.


2. Whether fines are reduced or not
Let’s learn more about how to reduce fines when committing a speeding violation in a child protection zone.


Fine reduction is a benefit that reduces the fine imposed on the driver by a certain percentage. If you are caught speeding in a child protection zone, you can use this benefit to pay the reduced amount before paying the fine.


What conditions must be met to receive a reduction in fines? First, you can pay in advance and receive a 20% reduction in fines. In other words, you can pay 20% cheaper than the original fine amount.


However, recently, laws related to child protection zones have been strengthened, raising questions about whether fines will be reduced. As specific relief may vary depending on local regulations and circumstances, it is important to check with the attendance office or relevant authorities in advance to confirm accurate information.


Also, the surest way to avoid fines is to drive safely without speeding. Let’s strictly adhere to the given speed limit in school zones and always try to drive carefully for the safety of children.

Regardless of whether fines are reduced, our driving habits and safe driving play the most important role in keeping children safe. When driving in school zones, pay attention and strictly follow traffic rules.


Let’s become a smart driver who keeps children smiling by driving safely and reduces fines by complying with traffic laws.


3. Insurance premium surcharge
Let’s learn more about the insurance premium surcharges that result when you commit a speeding violation in a child protection zone.


Speeding violations in school zones also affect your insurance premiums. These surcharges are determined by the driver’s driving habits and the nature of the violation.


For one speeding violation, a 5% surcharge is applied to insurance premiums. This will be reflected at your next policy renewal and will be part of the additional premium you have to pay. You need to be careful because even a single violation will increase your insurance premiums.


So what about speeding violations more than twice? If you exceed two or more speeding violations, your insurance premium will be increased by 10%. In this case, insurance premiums will rise significantly, putting a greater financial burden on you. Therefore, speeding in school zones is an action that should be avoided as it affects not only the driver’s wallet but also his insurance premiums.

What can I do to avoid insurance premium surcharges? The simplest way is to always obey the given speed limit within a school zone. You must drive carefully and put children’s safety first.


Safe driving plays an important role in keeping children safe. In addition, let’s create smart driving habits to avoid insurance premium surcharges and protect your safety and wallet.


4. The importance of compliance with laws and regulations
Speeding violations in children’s protection zones are an important problem that threatens our safety and the safety of our children. So, let’s take a closer look at the importance of compliance with the law.


1. Put children’s safety first

The child protection zone is a space created for the safety of children. Speeding violations pose a serious threat to safety in these safe areas. As pedestrians, children pass through child protection zones when crossing the road or heading to school. Drivers’ safe driving is the first step to keeping them safe.


2. Imposition of fines and penalty points

Speeding violations in child protection zones result in fines and demerit points. This is considered to be a violation of the law and a violation of the legal framework. Fines are imposed by law, and demerit points remain permanently on the driver’s driving record.

3. Insurance premium surcharge

Speeding violations also affect your insurance premiums. A 5% surcharge is applied to insurance premiums for one speeding violation, and a 10% surcharge is applied for two or more violations. This can lead to higher insurance premiums, which can result in an economic burden.


4. Establish safe driving habits by complying with laws and regulations

Compliance with the law is necessary to avoid speeding violations in child protection zones. This will help you develop safe driving habits and keep your children safe. In school zones, you must obey the given speed limit and always drive carefully.


5. Legal sanctions and social responsibility

Violation of laws is not only punishable by law, but can also be socially criticized. Speeding in a school zone is a disregard for other drivers, children, and your responsibility as a member of society to respect traffic rules.


6. Let’s watch over our children’s future

Lastly, let’s think about our children’s future. Complying with laws within school zones through safe driving habits will brighten the future of children. Our children will be our examples, and we must provide them with a safe environment.


We have learned more about the importance of complying with laws in child protection areas. Be sure to follow traffic rules in school zones and try to develop driving habits that put children’s safety first.

5. Conclusion
We have compiled information on fines and penalty points for speeding in child protection zones. To protect the safety of children and the driver’s wallet, be sure to follow the given speed limit in school zones. Driving is for the safety of all of us, and safe driving in school zones can protect our little heroes.