애견동반 휴양림 Now, visit the recreation forest with your dog~ < Forest Welfare < Garden/Forest < Article - Landscape Times

애견동반 휴양림The National Forest Service’s National Sanum Natural Recreation Forest Management Office is operating a pet-friendly room and providing programs for families with pets, reflecting the trend of 10 million pets.
The National Natural Recreation Forest will operate a ‘Mungsto-rang’ in the forest for pets four times a week, from Saturday the 23rd to Saturday October 21st.
The ‘Mungsto-rang’ in the forest is an attempt to provide citizens visiting the National Natural Recreation Forest with pets with various experiential programs that they can enjoy with their pets.
This event will be attended by 10 teams and 50 people who have reserved pet-friendly rooms, and will provide programs for pet families, such as cooking various dishes using healthy forest products and making tick repellent for pets.
As a side event, the National Institute of Forest Science’s Forest Biomaterial Research Institute will introduce research on pet skin improvement using indigenous forest life resources, and will also provide a prototype of a pet natural skin improvement agent made from acorn extracts from the zelkova tree and red ash tree. Kim Myeong-jong, the director of the National Natural Recreation Forest Management Office, said, “Starting with this event, we will continue to provide various experiential programs that can be enjoyed with companion dogs to citizens who use the National Natural Recreation Forest with companion dogs,” and added, “I hope that you will have a time of happy memories and bonding with your companion dog.”
A user of the Geummasan Natural Recreation Forest with companion dogs left a review saying, “I applied because I can bring my companion dog to the recreation forest starting this year. It is attractive that I can freely walk and rest with my companion dog. I hope that the recreation forests where I can bring my companion dog will be expanded further.”
Meanwhile, reservations for companion pet recreation forest rooms can be made on the forest recreation integrated platform ‘Soopnadle e’. However, please keep in mind the following precautions: ▲ Confirmation of companion dog registration when making a reservation on Soopnadle e ▲ Up to 2 companion dogs weighing less than 15 kg per room ▲ Companion dogs must have been vaccinated against mad cow disease, etc. In addition, companion dogs that accompany you may only use designated walking paths, and must wear a safety leash and carry a waste bag when walking. Dogs with aggressive behavior, other diseases, or dogs in heat are restricted from entering. [Korea Landscape Newspaper]

애견동반 휴양림
