쏘카 이용방법 SOCAR 🚗 How to use and fee information

쏘카 이용방법Hello~ I’m Dongle.
Today, I’m going to learn how to use Socar and how to use it!

When you don’t have a car and need to use a car!
It is recommended to use a car sharing service such as Socar.

It is not difficult to use Socar.
I think the price is reasonable, so many friends around me are using it.

First, let’s learn how to use Soka!

1. To use Socar, you must download the Socar app on your mobile phone.

2. Once downloaded, register your driver’s license and payment card.
* I register a payment card and I don’t like it very much haha ​​It’s essential to use the Socar app!
You cannot use it without registering a payment card.

* Socar is over 21 years old
* A driver’s license can be used from one year or more of acquisition.

3. Now, to use it, you can make a reservation in the Socar app.
You can set the usage time, select the location where you need the vehicle and the type of vehicle you want.
You can make a reservation at a nearby Socar Zone, or you can call Socar in front of your house.

4. After making a reservation, you need to find a car.
You can check the details of the Socar zone where the vehicle is parked in the Socar app.
You can easily find it by turning on the emergency lights or sounding the horn with the smart key in the Socar app.

5. Before boarding, check the condition of the vehicle, such as the exterior, interior, and amount of oil, before using it.

6. If you are done using it, park in the designated place and lock the car door.
Use is completed by pressing the return button in the Socar app.

Let’s find out about the Socar service fee!

⊙ Payment before boarding: Rental fee and insurance premium
The rental fee is an hourly rate for renting a car.
As for the insurance premium, you can choose the maximum self-pay in case of an accident, and the insurance premium is different accordingly.

⊙ Payment upon return: driving fee
Depending on the distance traveled, a mileage rate is charged per kilometer.
(When using the Hi-Pass, the driving fee and the combined billing)

◎ Information on standard time for applying rates (based on rental start time)
Weekdays: Sunday 7:00 pm – Friday 7:00 pm (late night 2:00 am – 6:00 am)
Weekends: Friday 7:00 PM – Sunday 7:00 PM (including public holidays and peak season designated by Socar)

※ Information on special rate plans
1. Reservations can be made in increments of 10 minutes from a minimum of 30 minutes.
2. Rental rates are operated on a flexible rate system according to conditions such as day, time, peak season, and off-peak season.

⊙ Daily rental fee and driving fee guide for each vehicle type

There may be some changes, but
You can also check the fare per 1 km in advance.
You can calculate the fare according to the distance traveled.

From the content on the website
I divided the cars and SUVs and organized them haha

Checking the Socar website~  There are also monthly events 😙

There are two basic discounts.
1. 10,000 won discount coupon when inviting a friend
2. Basic 15% regular discount for the new Soka Zone

There are various events such as discounts on Socar Plan Avante AD, making friends with Socar on KakaoTalk, etc.
If you use it, I think you can use it well at a good price 😀

So always drive safely, drive defensively,
Have a nice drive 😊


쏘카 이용방법
