신한저축은행 온라인햇살론 Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan | Loan Product Disclosure | Product Disclosure Room | Moa Savings Bank Internet Banking

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Customers aged 19 or older who can prove their income
Self-employed individuals who have been employed or in business for more than 3 months
Annual income of 35 million won or less
Annual income of 45 million won or less and those in the bottom 20% of personal credit ratings
Within 20 million won
*Loan limit applied differently depending on personal credit rating
Employees: 9-10% per annum (12-month variable interest rate)
Self-employed: 9% per annum (variable interest rate)
*Subject to change according to the interest rate announced by the Financial Supervisory Service each month
※Preferential interest rate for low-income youth: 0.2%p reduction
*Eligible for low-income youth: Employees aged 34 or younger with an annual income of 35 million won or less
※Preferential interest rate for online Sunshine Loan: Up to 1.3%p reduction
*Eligible for online Sunshine Loan: Employees Sunshine Loan Customers who can submit documents, conduct screening, and conclude loan agreements electronically
Employees: Guaranteed rate per annum 2.5% / Individual business owner: Guaranteed rate 2% per annum
① Low-income (KRW 35 million or less per annum) youth (34 years old or younger) 0.5%p reduction
② Social consideration target and recipients of earned income tax credit and self-supporting workers are reduced by 1%p per annum
※ ①, ② duplicate reduction is not allowed
General financial consumers may withdraw their subscription to a contract within 14 days from the contract signing date, the date of receiving the contract documents, or the date of receiving the loan. (However, cancellation is not allowed after the right of withdrawal has been exercised and has become effective.)
To withdraw a subscription, you must express your intention to withdraw the subscription to the savings bank through a branch, internet banking, smart banking, etc., and return the loan already received and its interest, stamp duty borne by the savings bank to a third party in relation to the loan, and the cost of establishing a mortgage, etc. If you exercise your right to withdraw from a loan contract, the early repayment fee will be waived, and the loan information related to the loan will be deleted within 5 business days.
If you abuse your right to withdraw from a loan contract and withdraw a loan contract with the relevant savings bank more than twice within the past month, you may face disadvantages such as refusal of new loans/extension, reduction of loan limit, and restriction of preferential interest rates.
If a financial company enters into a loan contract in violation of the following obligations under the Act on Financial Consumer Protection, the financial consumer may cancel the contract without imposing a penalty or other fees. In the event of a recommendation to enter into a loan contract that is deemed inappropriate (violation of Article 17, Paragraph 3 of the Act)
In the event of failure to inform or confirm the fact that the loan product is inappropriate (violation of Article 18, Paragraph 2 of the Act)
In the event of failure to fulfill the duty of explanation (violation of Article 19, Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Act)
In the event of an unfair business practice (violation of Article 20, Paragraph 1 of the Act)
In the event of an unfair solicitation practice (violation of Article 21 of the Act)
In order to exercise the right to terminate an illegal contract, a financial consumer must request termination of the contract by attaching documents proving the violation to the contract termination request form within one year from the date of learning of the violation and within five years from the date of contract conclusion (by mail, e-mail, text message, etc.). The right to request a reduction in interest rates refers to the right (Article 14-2 of the Savings Bank Act) that allows financial consumers to request a reduction in the interest rate applied to them from a savings bank when they believe their credit status has improved (e.g. employment, promotion, increase in assets, increase in personal credit score, etc.).
The right to request a reduction in interest rates can be applied for by visiting a branch or through non-face-to-face channels (Internet banking, mobile banking, call center, etc.) (no restrictions on the time or number of applications), and savings banks may request customers requesting a reduction in interest rates to submit documents necessary to confirm the improvement in credit status.
If a request for a reduction in interest rates is made for a product where the improvement in credit status is minor or credit status does not affect the interest rate, the customer’s request for a reduction in interest rates may not be accepted.
The savings bank will notify the customer of whether or not the request for a reduction in interest rates has been accepted and the reason for the request within 10 business days from the date of receiving the request for a reduction in interest rates (excluding the period from the date the customer is requested to supplement the data to the date the data is submitted). Moa Savings Bank Compliance Supervisor Sim Ui-pil (Public) No. 2024-080 (2024.07.22~2025.07.21)

신한저축은행 온라인햇살론
