신용회복위원회 소액대출 Credit Recovery Commission’s sincere patient loan in 2021 – Let’s take a look at the ladder of hope

Financial transactions are subject to various restrictions if you fail to pay off loans or other debts incurred in time, and you become a target through the Credit Recovery Committee. 신용회복위원회 소액대출

In this case, loans are desperately needed, but financial support is not available. jasminevista.com

👉 Non-face-to-face 3 million won small loan application for patients with serious injuries
👉 Applications for jeonse loans for patients with sincerity issues
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👉 Recovery of credit information for patients with serious injury and checking how to delete it early

To support this difficult situation, the Credit Recovery Committee can use the Hope Ladder loan.

In this posting, we will learn about the Credit Counseling and Recovery Service’s Hope Ladder loan.

Hide Table of Contents 신용회복위원회 소액대출
1. Credit Recovery Commission Hope Ladder Loan
1.1. Subject to support
1.2. Restrictions on loans
1.3. Use of loan support
1.4. Limitations and conditions for loans
1.5. Loan interest rate
1.6. Application documents
1.7. Application method
1.8. Articles related to the Government-backed Credit Recovery Committee
Credit Recovery Commission Hope Ladder Loan
Credit Recovery Commission’s sincere injury patient loan – Target, limit, interest rate, repayment period, application method

Hope Ladder is one of the Credit Recovery Commission’s small credit loans, and it is operated with donations from financial companies, general companies, individuals, and organizations that are engaged in social contribution projects in various fields and funds borrowed from local governments.

Subject to support

▶ This includes those who have been faithfully repaid for more than six months after receiving debt adjustments from the Credit Counseling and Recovery Services or other debt adjustment agencies, or who have completed repayment within the last three years.

– Debt adjustment agencies subject to support refer to the Credit Recovery Committee and Evergreen First Liquidation Limited.

▶ Under the Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act, those who have been faithfully repaid for more than two years after obtaining approval from the court for an individual rehabilitation plan or have completed repayment within the last three years.

▶ This is the case if the contributing entity of the microfinance fund separately designated as a person eligible for support according to the purpose of the contribution.

👉 Shortcut application for issuance of KB Kookmin Card by debt adjuster
Loan restriction
Please note that the loan will be restricted in the following cases.

Those who lack the income or capacity to repay the loan
Person whose overdue information is registered on the credit information inquiry table
a person with excessive possessions
Use of loan support

Use of classified funds
Emergency Living Stabilization Fund due to accidents, diseases, disasters, etc
Medical expenses, disaster recovery expenses, marriage funds, lease deposits, etc
University student funds of the student or dependents themselves
High-interest loan repayment funds of 20% or more per year borrowed at least 6 months prior to the date of application for high-interest loan
* Short-term loans (credit card usage price, cash service, etc.), mortgage loans, etc. are not supported
Fund for facility improvement funds Purchase and replacement of fixtures, equipment, and facilities of small self-employed business owners, and funds for repair
Operating funds Operating funds such as the purchase of raw materials by small self-employed business owners
Emergency living expense loans for unemployed youth operated by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency can be borrowed up to 1 million won per person. You can find out the application for small living expense loans at the link below.

👉 Find out about small living expenses loans
Loan limit and conditions
Type of product loan limit repayment method loan interest rate
Repayment of debt adjustment for six to eight months of living stabilization fund: up to KRW 2 million
Debt adjustment 9 to 11 months repayment: up to KRW 3 million
Debt adjustment 12 to 23 months repayment: up to KRW 10 million
Repayment of debt adjustment for more than 24 months: up to KRW 15 million and up to 5 years
Within 4.0% per annum of equal installment of principal and interest
Within 4.0% of the annual interest rate refinancing fund
Within 4.0% of facility improvement funds per year
Within 4.0% per annum of operating funds
2.0% per annum of student loans
The loan amount is within the maximum limit for each repayment period of debt adjustment repayment
It is determined differently depending on the history of faithfully repaying the reimbursement, evidence of the required funds, and the ability to repay the loan.
Separate limits are applied to individual rehabilitation patients with sincerity and new hope healing loans.
(Up to 7 million won for individual rehabilitation sincerity patients and 5 million won for new hope healing loans)
The loan interest rate is applied differently depending on the use of funds and the period of repayment of debt adjustment payments
70% of the basic interest rate is applied to basic living recipients, the disabled, the elderly over 70 years old, and single-parent families.
A 0.1%p preferential interest rate will be applied to those who have completed online training at the Korea Credit Education Institute (www.educredit.or.kr ) within two months of the loan application date.
👉 Learn more about online credit education at the Credit Counseling & Recovery Service
loan interest rate

Type of product loan limit interest rate (annual) Remarks on repayment period
Repayment in installments within 5 years of 3-4% within 15 million won of living stabilization funds *Applying differential limits according to debt adjustment repayment period (1) Payment of 6-8 months: up to 2 million won
(2) Payment for 9 to 11 months: Up to KRW 3 million
(3) 12-23 Months Payment: Up to KRW 10 Million
(4) Payment for more than 24 months: Up to KRW 15 million
◦Payment less than 24 months, completion: Up to KRW 10 million
◦Payment for more than 24 months, completion: Up to KRW 15 million
◦Student funds and living stabilization loans (medical expenses,
Excluding lease deposit) Up to KRW 10 million
Repayment in installments within KRW 10 million or 2% within 5 years
Repayment in installments of 3-4% within 5 years within 15 million won of high-interest rate refinancing funds
Repayment in installments within 5 years of 3-4% within KRW 15 million for facility improvement
Repayment in installments of 3-4% within 5 years within KRW 15 million in operating funds
application documents
1) basic documents

– a copy of one’s resident registration

2) income proof document

– Earned income earners: Select one from a copy of the salary statement, a copy of the deposit details of the salary account, a copy of the receipts for withholding earned income, and an income statement (Form of the Committee)

– Self-employed persons: Business registration certificate, income amount certificate, VAT tax base certificate, income statement (Committee Form)

3) Other

– Related documents when holding property (copy of real estate register, car registration certificate, etc.)

– Confirmation documents according to application qualifications and application requirements (basic recipients, persons with disabilities, etc.)

Application method

a visit to a branch

You can apply by visiting the National Branch of the Credit Recovery Committee or the Financial Integration Support Center for the common people.
If you make a reservation for a visit in advance, you can use it more conveniently.
If you contact the customer satisfaction department (call center) 1600-5500 before visiting, we will kindly guide you on the application requirements and preparation documents.