새마을금고 고객센터 및 전화번호 Saemaeul Geumgo customer center and phone number

We summarize Saemaeul Geumgo customer center phone numbers and counselor connection times.

새마을금고 고객센터

새마을금고 고객센터

First of all, the information below is confirmed on the MG Saemaul Geumgo website and may change in the future. For the most accurate information, please check directly on the MG Saemaeul Geumgo website.

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Summary of Saemaul Geumgo customer center phone numbers

Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center Phone Number: 1588-8801
Counselor available hours 9:00-18:00
Saemaeul Geumgo’s customer center phone number is 1588-8801 or 1599-9000. You can call a Saemaul Geumgo counselor from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

However, accident reports are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so if you need emergency treatment, such as a lost card or OTP card, call quickly regardless of the time.

Additionally, for inquiries regarding deductions, please call the dedicated call center at 1599-9010.

Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center Counselor Connection Code
Connect to agent 0
1. Check various inquiries and transfer results
Transfer 2
3 Payment of deposits, loans, and deduction fees
No. 4 MG check card
Number 5: Report financial incidents such as voice phishing
No. 6 Automatic transfer registration and inquiry
No. 7: Pay taxes and utility bills
Report loss number 8
9 Telebanking password management, transfer limit and deposit account shortcut number management, phone number registration history inquiry, etc.
What is Saemaul Geumgo’s telebanking phone number?
When using Saemaul Geumgo telebanking, the same phone number as the customer center is used. You can call 1588-8801 or 1599-9000.

Saemaeul Geumgo Telebanking Phone Number: 1588-8801, 1599-9000
Rather than calling another number, you can call the Saemaul Geumgo call center and use services such as transfers and inquiries.

However, in order to use telebanking, you must visit a Saemaeul Geumgo branch in advance and register your phone number to use telebanking. Also, you must register your password after applying for use.