Samjeomsam is a tax agency service that processes May comprehensive income tax returns and value-added tax returns for a fee. In addition to Samjeomsam, there are various tax agency services such as SSEM. Samjjeomsam Refund Application We recommend that you check the usage fee and apply for a refund at the cheapest place.
Check refund eligibility
If you find it difficult to file a comprehensive income tax return on your own through the National Tax Service’s Hometax, it is most convenient to receive a tax preparation service. Instead, there is a usage fee, but the fee is charged based on the refund amount, so it can be used reasonably.
Below, we will look at the Samjeomsam refund application fee in detail.
What is Samjjeomsam?
Samjjeomsam-Refund-Application-Usage Fee
You install and use the Samjjeomsam app, and the app calculates your refund based on data such as earned income, other income, business income, and taxes paid over the past five years. Samjeomsam is an app linked to the National Tax Service website, and you can check all of your refunds within 5 minutes.
If there is no refund, you do not have to pay the Samjeomsam usage fee separately. If there is a refund, you must verify your identity to receive the refund and get the amount back to your bank account. Refunds are processed by your local tax office and can take up to 3 months.
Samjeomsam app (Android)
Samjeomsam app (iPhone)
Samjjeomsam refund application fee
Samjeomsam usage fee is the cost of a service that helps you file a comprehensive income tax return, and you can check for free whether you are eligible to report and the expected refund amount. If you wish to request a refund after inquiry, you can proceed with payment for the service.
Payment is made once, and additional payments will not be made even if the refund amount increases upon review by Samjeomsam.
Usage fee setting standard: 10-20% of the expected refund tax amount (different by amount range), depending on the reporting year.
No fee for refunds under 10,000 won
Looking at Samjeomsam refund reviews, if the refund amount is in the 10,000 won range, the fee is 1,000 won, if the refund amount is in the 20,000 won range, it is 2,000 won, and if the refund amount is less than 100,000 won, a 10% fee appears to be incurred.
However, if the refund is over 1 million won, a 20% fee is deducted, so the fee may be considered a bit high. However, since you are receiving a refund for money you did not know about, we recommend that you pay as if it were free money.
Summary of Samjjeomsam customer center phone numbers
Samjeomsam Customer Center Phone Number Login 3.3 Refund Identity Verification Website Summary
Korea has a tax self-reporting system, so you must file your taxes through a tax accountant or report your taxes yourself. However, reporting taxes through a tax accountant requires a burdensome fee, and even tax accountants charge less than a certain amount.
Those eligible for Samjjeomsam refund
People with experience in part-time work and freelance activities
Those who have experience winning an event and receiving a prize (taxes and fees)
Office worker with experience of quitting or changing jobs
If you are curious about whether there is anything missing from your tax return
Coupang Partners, office worker with experience in side hustling
This time, we learned more about the Samjjeomsam refund application usage fee fee.
If you check your refund once in a while, you may be able to get a large amount of tax back that you didn’t even know about.
Previously, I also received a refund of about 600,000 won, which was quite a large amount, so I was able to purchase the IT products I always wanted to buy.