사회복지사 2급 자격증 How to obtain a level 2 high school diploma for social workers and 17 required courses: Credit Bank System Curriculum

사회복지사 2급 자격증Hello, I am an education manager.
Today, we have recently learned what is needed to become a social worker with good prospects.
I would like to introduce you to the Level 2 Social Worker Certificate.

1. What is a social worker?
2. Conditions for acquiring social worker level 2
3. Required courses for social worker level 2
4. How to become a level 2 social worker with a high school diploma
5. Social worker level 2 practice

1. What is a social worker?

A social worker is a profession that works in many areas, including children, youth, the disabled, the elderly, and medical care.
You can work in many fields, including not only welfare institutions, but also hospitals, nursing institutions, residential facilities for children, youth, and the disabled, nursing homes, social welfare officials, and foundations.
Therefore, in Korea, which is moving toward an aging society, many jobs are being created and it is considered one of the occupations with good prospects.

To work as a social worker, you need a certificate, which is divided into level 1 and level 2.

① Level 1 certification: After meeting the qualifications, take the national exam and pass.
② Level 2 certification: A certification can be issued if two conditions are met.

2. Conditions for acquiring social worker level 2

A level 2 social worker certification must meet two conditions.

(1) Educational background equivalent to graduation from a college or university
(2) 17 subjects related to social worker level 2

Even if your final educational level is a high school diploma, it is possible to complete the 17 required courses while earning an associate’s degree.

3. Required courses for social workers level 2 (after 2020)

In order to obtain a level 2 social worker certification, you must complete a total of 17 required subjects by selecting the 10 required subjects above in the table and 7 subjects below.

4. How to become a level 2 social worker with a high school diploma

* Social Welfare Level 2 courses + Bachelor’s degree in Social Welfare
You must proceed with the above two processes together.

This is how to obtain it using the credit bank system.
A professional bachelor’s degree required for level 2 social worker certification requires at least 80 credits.
You will complete 45 credits in major + 15 credits in liberal arts + a total of 80 credits and take courses required for level 2 social welfare.

5. Social worker level 2 practice
The 17 required subjects required to obtain Level 2 Social Worker status include a course called Social Welfare Field Training.
Usually, practical training is conducted in the last semester, after all required courses have been completed. It lasts a total of 160 hours (+ 30 hours of seminar).

Depending on where you live, a planner will guide you through the training schedule at a location nearby.
For office workers, we provide assistance by organizing weekends according to their schedules.
*Because social welfare training often closes quickly, it is important to receive a list from a planner, contact the institution, and apply quickly.

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