사이버수사대 신고방법 How to report to the Cyber Investigation Unit (telephone number)? Q&A Perfection

How to report to the Cyber Investigation Unit (telephone number)? Q&A Perfection


The Cyber Investigation Unit is an organization that investigates cyber-related crimes under the Cyber Safety Bureau of the National Police Agency. The Cyber Investigation Unit is in charge of cyber crimes in the Cyber ​​Safety Division of the Local Police Agency and the Cyber Investigation Division. From now on, let’s look at how to report to the Cyber ​​Criminal Investigation Service and the number. 사이버수사대 신고방법


사이버수사대 신고방법


Cyber ​​crime phone number
The Cyber Investigation Unit is the Cyber Security Bureau of the National Police Agency, which is an auxiliary agency for the Commissioner of the National Police Agency.

The phone number of the Cyber ​​Investigation Department is 02-3150-2659, and you can inquire about civil complaints related to cyber crimes and the use of the Cyber Security Bureau website.


However, the Cybercrime Customer Center provides civil complaints and counseling services in relation to cyber-related crimes, and direct reporting of crimes is not allowed. 1분전




How to report to cyber police
There are two ways to report cyber-related crimes: visiting the Cyber Safety Division and the Cyber Investigation Division of the police station, or reporting through the Cyber Security Bureau website.


Report on the website of the Cyber Security Bureau
Cyber Crime Reporting Homepage


Reporting can only be done by the victim himself. Representatives, such as family members, are requested to visit the police station in person or use the People’s Sinmungo, where agents can report. If you find a cyber crime, please use ‘Report’

If you report on the website of the Cyber Security Bureau, you can not only report but also consult. At this time, you must authenticate yourself with your mobile phone (i-PIN authentication) to receive the service.




Types of Cybercrime Crimes
In the event of damage through a crime, you can report it to the Cyber Investigation Unit, and there are three types of crimes. These are information and communications network infringement crimes, information and communications network use crimes, and illegal content crimes.


Information and communication network infringement crime
In case of illegal intrusion into computers and information communication networks (computer systems), or damage, loss, alteration, computer system failure, or inability to use systems or data programs. It also means hacking, denial-of-service attacks, and malware crimes.



Crimes using information and communication networks
It refers to crimes between Internet users, and includes Internet secondary transaction fraud, shopping mall fraud, game fraud, and cyber financial crimes (phishing, pharming, smishing, memory hacking, body cam phishing, etc.). In addition, most cybercrimes, such as infringement of personal and location information, cyber copyright infringement, and spam mail, fall under the crime of using information and communication networks.


illegal content crime
Distributing, selling, leasing or displaying illegal goods and services and information through computer systems. It mainly includes illegal videos, illegal filming, cyber gambling, cyber defamation, and cyber stalking.



If a crime related to personal information infringement has occurred, it can be resolved through the Cyber Safety Bureau of the National Police Agency (02-3150-2659) as well as the KISA Personal Information Infringement Report Center (118) and the Financial Supervisory Service (1332).


Personal information refers to information such as text, voice, sound, and video that can be recognized by an individual, such as a name or resident registration number.


In particular, if your resident registration number is stolen, you can request ID deletion from the site, and despite the deletion request, the deletion will not be processed.


Cybercrime Q&A
Q. What should I do if I am charged for micropayments or content usage that I do not use?
If you have been unfairly charged for a payment you do not use, you can solve the problem at the Korea Communications Commission Integrated Civil Service Center (1335). The Korea Communications Commission Integrated Civil Service Center supports fee arbitration with the service provider.



Q. If I clicked on a false text URL such as a delivery service, how should I resolve it?
The smishing text URL is a malicious code link address, and the damage caused by the malicious code is mostly micropayments and number theft. If you have been victim of smishing, you must prepare evidence and report it to the police.


You can get help through the Mobile Phone (ARS) Payment Arbitration Center (1644-2367). This is an organization that helps mediate disputes between users and businesses, and when micropayments occur, you can get help on how to deal with them by contacting them first.


In addition, if you contact the customer center of each mobile carrier (SKT, KT, LGU, etc.) and inquire about ‘application for micropayment relief’, you can obtain the necessary documents for visiting the police station.


Q. What if I receive a text message that does not pay for Google Play?
This is when your Google account has been hacked and used, or your family and friends have made payments without notifying you.

If your acquaintance did not use it, you may suspect that your account has been hacked or that your credit card information has been leaked and used without permission. At this time, you can change your Google account password first and request a refund from the Google Customer Center.


Google Help Center

Learn more about Google Play refunds – Google Play Help

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Q. I have never purchased anything, but I received a message that payment has been made.
It is very likely to be voice phishing that induces you to call the text message originator number. Most of the payment details are false, but it may be that the actual payment was made due to hacking, etc. At this time, you should not contact the received contact information, but you should check through the customer center of the credit card company or bank.


If you have actually been paid and suffered damage, you must visit the police station with proof of damage, such as payment details.

Although the methods of various cybercrimes are becoming increasingly intelligent and are conducted overseas, cyber investigators are making efforts to arrest criminals according to various aspects of crime, such as strengthening international cooperation, developing scientific investigations, and sharing and learning cyber investigation techniques.


If you have been harmed, you must report it immediately, and wait for good results with the belief that the culprit will be caught only with a time difference.