BNK부산은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 BNK Busan Bank customer center and phone number

As the name suggests, Busan Bank is a bank that operates mainly in Busan Metropolitan City and the Gyeongnam region. However, there are some branches in other areas such as Seoul. If you have any questions regarding Busan Bank branches or using financial products, please contact the call center. We will provide you with Busan Bank customer center phone number, frequently asked questions (FAQ), and regional branch location information.부산은행 고객센터

부산은행 고객센터

Busan Bank Customer Center phone number and operating hours
If you have any questions or inconveniences regarding various financial products sold by Busan Bank or using the bank branch counter, you can call the call center below to receive detailed consultation.


[Busan Bank Customer Center Phone Number and Operating Hours]

1. Customer center phone number

– Main phone number: 1588-6200, 1544-6200

– When calling from overseas: 82-2-1588-6200


2. Customer center operating hours

– General consultation: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00

– Voice phishing accident report and loss registration: available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


3. Other consultation methods

In addition to phone counseling, Busan Bank Customer Center also provides chat counseling and email counseling services. Simply access the site link below, click the menu button at the bottom of the screen, and proceed with a consultation inquiry.

Go to Busan Bank Customer Center for detailed information

Busan Bank Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The customer center on the Busan Bank website has a frequently asked questions (FAQ) menu. This is a page that summarizes the questions people frequently ask along with answers. Since the content people are curious about often overlaps or is similar, it can be efficient to first check whether the content you are looking for is already summarized in the FAQ before making a phone consultation. The list is well organized by category, including deposits, cards, loans, funds, foreign exchange, trusts, and internet banking, so it is easy to find what you are looking for. You can access the site below and enter keywords directly into the search box or select from the categories.

Go to Busan Bank Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Busan Bank-Frequently Asked Questions-Menu Screen
Find Busan Bank branch locations by region
Since Busan Bank also provides internet banking and mobile banking services, it is rare to visit a bank branch in person these days. However, in some situations, such as loan consultation, submission of documents, or opening a new account, you may need to visit an offline branch. ‘Branch information;’ on the Busan Bank website. Using the menu, you can check the locations of branches, 365 corners, ATMs, etc. in each region across the country. If you access the site below and search for a region or keyword, a list of all applicable branches will be displayed. You can check not only the address and phone number, but also the number of customers currently waiting and map information for directions.