부모급여 신청방법 How to apply for parental benefits in 2023

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Let’s look at how to apply for parental benefits in 2023. Previously, the subsidy for childbirth, which was called infant allowance, has been changed to the name of parental benefit, and as before, the subsidy is paid to parents raising infants aged 0 to 23 months. For children under the age of 0, you can receive 700,000 won per month, so please check and apply for benefits.

You can apply for parental benefits online (Bokil Road or Government 24) and offline (local government community centers).
*Online application is only available if the applicant is a parent.

Access the welfare site, log in using simple authentication, etc., and then search for ‘Parents’ salary’ in the search box. Then, as shown in the picture on the left, there is an item called ‘Parents’ salary support’ in ‘Welfare service’, and click the corresponding item. Then, you will be taken to the information page as shown in the middle picture, and click the ‘Apply’ button in the red square area. After that, scroll the screen and check ‘Parents’ salary (cash)’ on the right side of the ‘Infants’ menu as shown in the picture on the right, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and then click ‘Save and Next’ to move to the application screen.

Afterwards, a detailed information page appears once again, agreeing to the service application, and watching a 7-minute video related to child rearing for about 5 minutes, you can move on to the ‘next’ step and access the actual application page. The application for parental benefit is completed by entering personal information such as applicant/family information and submitting the application.
Go to Welfare>

Access the Government 24 website, log in using simple authentication, etc., and then search for ‘Parents’ salary’ in the search box. After that, click on the ‘Shortcut to Service – Parental Benefits’ section as shown in the picture on the left. Then, an information page appears. Click the ‘Apply’ button at the bottom of the screen to access the application page. If you access the parental benefit application page as shown in the picture on the right, you will proceed with the application process by entering each personal information one by one, and submitting the application will complete the application for parental benefit.
Go to Government 24>

Visit the community center of the address on the child’s resident registration, fill out and apply for the ‘Social Security Benefit Application’ available at the community center. If you are visiting the community center to report a birth, you can apply at once through the ‘Application for integrated childbirth-related services (happy childbirth)’ instead of separately applying for parental benefits.
*Maternity support services include ‘first meeting ticket (voucher points of KRW 2 million), parental benefit, childrearing allowance, child allowance, electricity cost reduction’, etc.

-Age: Children between the ages of 0 and 1 born on or after January 1, 2022 can apply.
-Nationality: Only children with Korean nationality can apply. Even if both parents are foreigners (the last digit of their social security number starts with 5 or 6), they can apply if the child has Korean nationality (the last digit of their social security number starts with 3 or 4).

Also, even if parents are on parental leave, they can receive parental benefits because it is a subsidy for children.

You can apply for parental benefits at any time after birth registration, but as mentioned above, it is recommended to apply for integrated processing at once when registering birth. The parental benefit is 700,000 won for children aged 0 and 350,000 won for children aged 1 on the 25th of each month. Parental benefits are paid up to 24 months (0-23 months) up to the month immediately preceding the month including the child’s 2nd birthday.
*From 2024, the maximum amount of parental benefit will be raised to KRW 1 million.

However, it is different if your child goes to daycare. If you go to a daycare center, you must be using a childcare voucher, but for a child aged 0, 514,000 won is paid as a voucher, and only the remaining difference (186,000 won) is paid in cash. All 1-year-olds are paid as vouchers without cash payment.
Learn more about how to apply for parental benefits. As much as the birth rate is very low, it seems that the country is providing a lot of welfare. If you are a new parent who can receive benefits, please make sure to apply to lower the burden of childrearing even a little. Even if you receive parental benefits, it is possible to receive childcare support services as well, so it is recommended that you find out information together.
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