보건증 발급 받는 방법 How to get a health certificate issued (test items, issuance and validity period, issuance method, cost, finding a hospital)

보건증 발급 받는 방법Those who are directly engaged in handling (collection, cooking, processing, storage, transportation, and sales) of food or food additives, or those who are deemed to be at risk of infecting others by being infected with a sexually transmitted infectious disease or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, are subject to a health examination. I have an obligation.

① Offline

② Online
Health certificate issuance

※ Due to COVID-19, each local government has stopped issuing health certificates or operated by appointment only. When visiting public health centers, please call ahead to check whether they are open or not.

On the public health portal site (G-health), you can search for organizations that can issue and reissue certificates and check test results.
Please check the site portal below.

Find an online complaint agency

Health Certificate Examination Hospital Search

Those who are engaged in occupations that require a health certificate (health examination result) must submit a new health certificate through an annual inspection.
After the examination, the health certificate, which is the result of the examination, can be issued or reissued at any time from the public health portal or government 24 without having to go to the public health center.

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