무직자 청년대출 Loan for unemployed youth – Government youth loan

무직자 청년대출In the case of the Sunshine Loan Youth Loan of the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency, even young people without a job or income can use it. The age is between 19 and 34 years old, and it can be used by job seekers such as college students, graduate students, Credit Bank System learners, and the unemployed. Loans The limit is 6 million won per year, up to 12 million won (up to 3 million won per half year for general living funds loans), and the interest rate is a fixed rate of 3.6 to 4.5%. In addition, those who have been employed at a small or medium-sized business for less than 1 year can also use the loan. This is possible, but your annual income must be less than 35 million won. Also, people who are registered as a business cannot apply for a loan, so it would be good to keep this in mind.
You can also use small loan products sold by first-tier financial institutions. General credit loans sold by first-tier financial institutions require proof of employment and income, but in the case of small loans, you can use them even without a job or income, so even unemployed young people, college students, freelancers, and housewives can use the loans. The limits and interest rates are as follows: It varies from bank to bank. There are products with a maximum limit of 5 million won, but the average is about 3 million won, and the interest rate is about 4 to 5%. The loan limit and interest rate are calculated according to the conditions of the applicant, and when using a loan from the main bank, the limit and interest rate are slightly different. It is convenient if you think you will receive more benefits. I will explain in detail in the article below.

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Loan for unemployed youth
youth loan


Email: doingedu@example.com
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무직자 청년대출
