머니트리카드 Money Tree – Money Tree Card, Seoul Love Gift Certificate – One Store


◑ Money Tree Card ◐ An essential card that anyone can start using their mobile phone with no annual fee!
When ID integration is complete, the pop-up will automatically close. please wait for a moment.

You cannot sign up from a PC. Please sign up from your mobile phone.

External payment is a method of purchasing using a payment method provided by the seller instead of One Store in-app payment, and is not subject to One Store benefits such as coupons or events.
If you have any questions about purchasing or paying for external payment products, please contact the seller directly.

It may contain mild sexual/violence, speculative expressions, and direct depictions of crime.

Mail order business report 1234-5678-9012

According to the seller’s policy, the use of One Store points is restricted for the apps below.

A T Plus Point password (6-digit number) is required for membership registration. You can register/change your password in the T Membership app.

