마켓컬리 샛별배송 Market Curly, fresh food left on the road for 7 hours due to too fast morning delivery – News Walker

마켓컬리 샛별배송Fresh food left unattended for ‘7 hours’ and ‘wrong delivery’
True to its name, Market Curly delivers refrigerated and frozen food at 7 a.m. the next morning if ordered before 11 p.m. However, if it is delivered at 12:00 am or 1:00 am, perhaps because of the fast morning delivery, the fresh food is left outside for 7 hours. Customer complaints are constantly being raised in various ways, such as the fact that the frozen food is melted when you order the day before and receive the delivery product in the morning.
Due to these complaints, there is also a widespread perception that the delivery system is not in place. Frequently, the customer inconvenience caused by the mistake of delivering in front of another house and then floating when the delivery is completed is a homework that not only Market Kurly but also delivery drivers have to deal with. Market Curly emphasizes delivery at the front door, but customers often find it faster when they leave it at the common front door or find it by mistake.
Market Kurly said it is reducing the rate by collecting data related to misdelivery.
The official said, “However, there are some drivers who have worked for a long time in the delivery industry, and there are also new delivery drivers dispatched from the distribution center, so even if Market Kurly educates and puts them in, misdelivery occurs. In that case, I back up again with a vehicle using a quick or refrigeration system,” he explained.
Customers who believed only in Market Kurly were taken aback by the sudden ‘out of stock’
In the case of SSG or Coupang, which do ‘dawn delivery’ in a similar vein to Market Curly, they are operated as a system that sells consignments to producers or sellers, so delivery restrictions can be placed, so it is rare to run out of stock.
However, Market Curly has been able to come to this point with a service that delivers fresher food to customers through the ‘one-by-one’ method of predicting the amount to be sold per day and buying it directly. However, customers who have suffered from frequent inventory shortages want to systematize Market Kurly’s inventory and delivery management system, but this is in exchange for freshness, which is Market Kurly’s strength.
Market Curly has an optimal inventory management system, so ‘order prediction’ is an important issue. If order forecasting fails, such customer dissatisfaction arises. However, because of fresh food with a short shelf life, if the order forecast and order quantity do not match, it leads to disposal and inventory costs, so securing sufficient inventory is a matter of caution. The twist is that Market Kurly’s disposal rate is around 1%. This is half the standard of a regular mart.
Isn’t this overkill? “Considering eco-friendliness as a paper material”
On the other hand, Market Kurly’s eco-friendly packaging is seen as “exaggerated packaging” by customers, and it comes as a burden. If you choose an eco-friendly packaging material for fresh food, you have no choice but to adopt the ‘paper’ material recommended by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. As a company that mainly delivers fresh food, paper packaging has to take the risk of melting and tearing, but to compensate for this, it has undergone several tests and is making changes such as replacing it with ice packs.
If the packaging material is vinyl, Market Curly changed it to paper due to complaints about environmental protection, so it cannot be refrigerated and frozen at the same time, and the quality of the product cannot be sacrificed. Adopted.
Market Curly also contemplated whether to use plastic Albi bags at the request of consumers, but decided that it was not suitable in terms of freshness, so they use paper boxes now. It is a problem to consider that if Albibag is used 7 to 8 times, it is worse for the environment if the smell of food is mixed and thrown away without being able to use it.
An official from Market Kurly said, “From the customer’s point of view, many boxes are piled up, so you may think it is over-packed, but the paper is eco-friendly, and we make up for the inconvenience with a service that is collected while delivering on the next order day. Through various packaging tests, there is no melting or tearing after wrapping transparent plastic inside a paper pack or changing it to an ice pack.”

마켓컬리 샛별배송
