대성에너지 고객센터 전화번호 Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) Customer Center Phone number, frequently asked questions, and regional service center search

Among the companies in charge of city gas in North Gyeongsang Province, there is Daesung Clean Energy. Daesung Clean Energy is currently supplying city gas to North Gyeongsang Province in Andong City, Yeongju City, Yecheon County, Bonghwa County, Uiseong County, and Gunwi County. If you have any questions about the use of North Gyeongsang Province city gas in the region, you can contact the call center. I will tell you the phone number of the North Gyeongsang City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) customer center, frequently asked questions (FAQ), and the location information of the service center by region.

Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) Customer Center Phone number and operating hours 대성에너지 고객센터 전화번호

If you have any questions about using Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) for transfer application, fare inquiry, and payment, you can contact the call center for detailed consultation and solve the problem.


[Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) Customer Center Phone number and operating hours]

1. Customer center phone number jasminevista.com

– Representative phone number: 054-850-1100

대성에너지 고객센터 전화번호

2. Customer center operating hours

– Weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00 (closed on Saturdays and holidays)


3. Online 1:1 inquiry

In addition to telephone consultation, the Gyeongbuk Urban Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) website provides an online 1:1 inquiry and result inquiry service. You can access the site below and enter through the ‘Customer Consultation and Results Inquiry’ menu in the middle of the screen.

Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) Customer Center Guide Shortcut

Frequently asked questions by Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) Customer Center (FAQ)

The customer center on the Gyeongbuk City Gas Daesung Clean Energy website has a frequent question (FAQ) menu. Since people’s questions often overlap or are similar, it is highly likely that the contents you are looking for have already been written in the FAQ. It is well classified by items such as gas charges, supply, meter reading, automatic transfer, application for transfer, safety inspection, construction, and meter, so it is easy to find the items you want. You can access the site below and click on the classified items to find what you need.

Frequently asked questions by Gyeongbuk City Gas Customer Center (FAQ)

Gyeongbuk City Gas-Daeseong Clean Energy-Customer Center-Frequent Questions-Menu Screen
Finding the Location of the competent service center by Gyeongbuk City Gas Area

Gyeongbuk City Gas (Daeseong Clean Energy) has its own service centers by region. The service center conducts tasks such as measuring gas usage, delivering bills, receiving fees, replacing meters, and maintaining them. To check the service center that has jurisdiction over your place of residence, you can use the menu of ‘Customer Center’ – ‘Service Center Information’ on the official website of Gyeongbuk City Gas Daesung Clean Energy. If you access the service center status link below, you can check the service center name, conversion number, address, jurisdiction, and business hours information.

Finding the Gyeongbuk City Gas Daesung Clean Energy Service Center