대구은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Daegu Bank customer center and phone number

Check Daegu Bank’s customer center phone number, agent connection service, and website. The company started as a local bank as Daegu Bank and established DGB Financial Group in 2011. Currently, in addition to Daegu Bank, DGB Group has several affiliates, including Hi Investment & Securities, DGB Life Insurance, and Capital.

대구은행 고객센터

대구은행 고객센터

Daegu Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Daegu Bank Customer Center phone number is 1566-5050/1588-5050. The phone number for seniors is 1670-9550. It has the characteristic that the guidance message comes out more slowly than on a regular phone. The counselor can be reached from 9:00 to 18:00.

Daegu Bank Customer Center: 1566-5050/ 1588-5050
Agent connection time: Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00
Number when calling from overseas: 82-53-742-5050
Internet banking consultation phone number: 1661-5100

Daegu Bank website

This is how to check the customer center phone number on the Daegu Bank website. If you go to the very bottom of the home screen, there is a [Customer Center] menu. If you select the [Consultation Information] menu here, you can check the representative customer center phone number.

Daegu Bank-Homepage

Daegu Bank loss report
If you need to report the loss of a Daegu Bank bankbook, check card, credit card, seal, or OTP, you can report it by phone to the customer center, but you can also do it online on the Daegu Bank website. If you go to the Customer Center menu above and select the [Accident Report/Cancel] menu, you can report an accident by target of loss report as shown below.