내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴 From checking the site you signed up to leaving, all at once with ‘e-Privacy Clean Service’!

내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴The era in which the Internet has fully settled in our lives. How many websites will a person sign up for in their lifetime? And how many other websites do you use consistently without forgetting about them? From hobbies-related sites you sign up to get information, to various online shopping malls you sign up to receive discount coupons, other online communities, and sites you inevitably have to sign up for to use services such as schools or companies, we have dozens of websites for various purposes. You sign up for sites, but over time some of them are forgotten. Affiliations and interests are always changing.
The problem is that even if we no longer remember the site, the personal information we entered when we signed up may still be stored on the site. Now that large-scale hacking and personal information trading have become serious social problems, I feel uncomfortable thinking that my personal information remains in a place I can’t even remember.
In this case, if you use the e-privacy clean service, you can check the sites you have signed up for at once, and even proceed with withdrawal if necessary!

A new world through finance, IBK Industrial Bank of Korea
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내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴
