구글 드라이브 사용방법 Using Google Drive as a local hard disk on your computer – Drive for Desktop – insideBOX

구글 드라이브 사용방법The rate system is not bad, so if an individual uses it lightly, there will be no big burden.
The most common way to use these clouds is to install an app or connect to a browser.
However, when using this cloud on a PC, you can use it more comfortably if you use it like a hard drive on your computer rather than a separate app or program.
In general, if you use a ray drive, etc., cloud services can be used simply by linking them like a hard disk.
Since Google Drive supports its own installation tool, using Genuine will be positive in many ways.
So today, we will briefly learn how to install and use Drive for Desktop, one of the basic preparations for using Google Drive.
This post was written after sufficient testing and verification, but this does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the content, so please simply view it as a reference.
Tutorial environment: Windows 11, Edge browser.
You can access the online page on Google Drive and download the installation file. Previously, the name was Backup and Sync (File Stream for Business), but now it has been changed to Drive for Desktop, which combines general user and business use.
Shortcut: Cloud Storage for Work/Home – Google Drive
When you run the downloaded installation file, the installation wizard proceeds, and basic preparation for use is completed by linking the account to be used.
If you have installed Drive for desktop, you can now use it like a basic hard drive, and you can quickly and conveniently share files.
In this way, we learned how to install and use Drive for Desktop, a tool that helps you use Google Drive a little more comfortably.
If you frequently use Google Drive or Google services as your main, installing it like this will improve accessibility, so it will be efficient in many ways.
If you haven’t used it, please install it and try it.

구글 드라이브 사용방법
