교도소 면회신청 Smart interview reservation (formerly Internet video interview)

교도소 면회신청A country of the people, a just Republic of Korea! A fair and just society where human rights are respected!
The Ministry of Justice is with you.
Visits can be made at home using a PC or smartphone without visiting, and are being conducted for inmates at the institutions listed below.
This is a service that allows civil servants to make a reservation when they want to have a video interview with an inmate in a remote location using an Internet PC or smartphone at home without the need to visit a correctional institution to meet with an inmate.
The smart meeting service is being implemented in all prisons and detention centers across the country.
Check my availability
Only civil servants who have visited a correctional institution (※ excluding Seoul, Daegu, Daejeon, and Gwangju Regional Correctional Services) and registered in advance can make a reservation for an interview.
National correctional institution information

Pre-registration of eligible subjects
The first time, you must visit a nearby correctional institution and pre-register for family verification by presenting your resident registration card and a document showing family relationship (family relationship certificate).
Reservation for meeting
You can register for an interview reservation through the Ministry of Justice website, the Correctional Civil Complaints Hotline (1363), using a mobile (smartphone, etc.) service, or by making a direct reservation after visiting the correctional institution.
Install program or check access URL
Android phone users download the smart meeting app in advance and prepare to run it, and iPhone or PC users check the access URL.
Interview progress
Run the smart interview app through task 04 or enter the URL directly in the browser and connect to proceed with the smart interview.
Interview completed
Once the interview is complete, you can end the interview program.
For other inquiries, please call 1363 or ‘View contact information’ below.

교도소 면회신청
