계좌번호 조회 Account number inquiry Mobile, Internet

Although the amount standards may differ from bank to bank, in general, a bankbook with a balance of less than 10,000 won is for more than 1 year, and a bankbook with a balance of 10,000 or more but less than 50,000 won is 2 years or more, and the balance is 5 years or more. A bankbook with more than 10,000 won and less than 100,000 won may be converted to a dormant account if there is no transaction for more than 3 years. 계좌번호 조회
KB-Kookmin Bank-Dormant Account-Inquiry-How


계좌번호 조회
Kookmin Bank-Dormant Account-Inquiry
Deposits, checks, and insurance money in dormant accounts for which the statute of limitations has expired are donated to the Financial Services Agency as dormant deposits. If there is a request for payment by the original right holder, such as a dormant deposit after being contributed to the dormant account, an amount in lieu of the dormant deposit, etc. must be paid to the original right holder, such as the dormant deposit.
How to check Kookmin Bank dormant account
① Access to Kookmin Bank website After accessing and logging on to KB Kookmin Bank website, click the [Individual >> Inquiry >> Inquiry Dormant Account] link in sequence.
Kookmin Bank-Homepage-Dormant Account-Inquiry
Dormant Account-Inquiry-Item-Selection 이베이스매뉴얼
② Check dormant account If the account has been converted to a dormant account after not using it for a long time, information such as the account number and balance of the dormant account is displayed on the page. Accounts with no deposit/withdrawal transactions for more than one year are managed as a transaction suspension account, so you can see the phrase ‘transaction suspension account’ in the remarks.
If the account is designated as a transaction suspension account, deposits, withdrawals, and transfer transactions cannot be made. Therefore, the dormant account must be canceled or the suspension must be lifted. The cancellation procedure can be applied after simple identification, whereas canceling the suspension may require a more complicated verification process, such as submitting a confirmation of financial transaction purpose, just like opening a new account.
Kookmin Bank-Dormant Account-Inquiry-Result-Check
Dormant Account-Inquiry-Result-Check
What happens to deposits in dormant accounts that cannot be found?
Deposits and savings accounts for dormant accounts up to 500,000 won, and unpaid shares and dividends up to 10 million won. However, deposits and savings in excess of 500,000 won and investment and dividends in excess of 10 million won can only be collected by visiting the branch in person.
Legally, an application for refund of dormant account must be made within two years. If the deposit in the dormant account is not retrieved or the owner cannot be found, it is returned to the state and used as state funds.
You can easily check the property information of the deceased by using the one-stop safe inheritance service. Even if you do not know the one-stop service for safe inheritance, if you visit a community center to report a death, most of the time you will be informed about the service to your heirs.
In this case, if the heir fills out the application for integrated property inquiry and submits it, the heir can receive information on the results of inquiry about the deceased’s financial transactions, national taxes, pensions, mutual aid associations, land and buildings, local taxes, and automobiles.
You can also apply for the safe inheritance one-stop service online. However, online application can only be applied for 1st or 2nd place among heirs. If you are a successive heir, you cannot apply online and must visit the community center to apply. The application period for services is limited to six months from the last day of the month in which the deceased’s date of death falls.
Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of stories about Alibaba (pickpocketing/snapping) in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is said that security in Hanoi was good compared to Ho Chi Minh, but Vietnamese people who have had a hard time making a living due to the prolonged Corona situation are committing a lot of Alibaba crimes. Please be careful as they mainly target mobile phones, wallets, and side bags while riding a motorcycle.

And recently, there have been many cases of smishing or voice phishing crimes. Ehh… It’s scary to see that crime keeps increasing as technology advances. Then, we will find and share a site where you can look up phone numbers and account numbers suspected of voice phishing or cyber fraud in Korea. In Vietnam, I get a lot of unintelligible calls and texts, so there is always anxiety about cybercrime and phishing. I wish there was a site like this in Vietnam. If anyone knows, please let me know in the comments.

Types of cyber financial crimes
1. Phishing: After sending an e-mail disguised as a financial institution, clicking on an Internet address and inducing access to a fake site. Transfer of financial information from the victim’s account to the criminal account after stealing financial information by requesting security card number input

2. Pharming: Stealing financial information by manipulating the victim’s PC infected with malicious code

3. Smishing: If you click the Internet address in a text message such as a free coupon, malicious code is installed on your smartphone, causing damage to small payments and stealing personal and financial information

4. Memory hacking: With malicious code resident on the victim’s PC, illegal withdrawals are made even if only the first and last two digits of the security card number are entered on the normal bank site.
Source: Cyber ​​Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency
Transaction target mobile phone/account number Check whether cyber fraud damage has been reported – Cyber ​​Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency

This is the website of the Cyber ​​Investigation Bureau of the National Police Agency. Please be sure to check the suspicious mobile phone or account number.
If you buy things these days and get bored easily
There is a system for reselling used.
A variety of carrots, buns, etc.
From the platforms to the counterparty account number
It is a system where you deposit money and receive goods by courier.

But they don’t send me the things I bought for money
In case of diving, you can check fraud
We’re here to show you the simple way!

Wait here!

Here are some tips to avoid online second-hand trading.

1. Make safe transactions.
2. Expensive items are traded directly, not through an account.
3. If the item is too cheap compared to the used market price, it is not traded.
4. Even if you do a direct transaction, be sure to check the goods and give them money.

Even if you follow the above 4
No need to check account number fraud
You can trade safely.

Most of the time when you are scammed
Even if you report it to the cyber investigation unit or the police
If the victim is a minority
A quick investigation is not possible.

Early prevention is best
must be expensive
Even if the area is far away, be sure to trade directly!

Naver search bar
Searching for fraud
A window for entering a phone number or account number appears.
It can be viewed in less than 30 seconds
Don’t forget this, and I hope you have a good transaction ^^
This post will be helpful for those who are running a business. ^^

When remittance to a customer
The customer’s account has been changed… There are cases where money is transferred to an existing saved account.
Therefore, you may need to verify your account number.

I also had this happen recently.
I checked the transaction history, but the account number did not come out
Should I go to the store…
I looked it up in Corporate Banking… and it was possible to look up the deposit account number.

Here’s how.

Log in to Corporate Banking > Inquiry/Transfer > Issuance of certificate/confirmation certificate > Issuance of certificate/confirmation certificate
It can be viewed in .

Click on Issue Certificate/Verification Certificate
You will see a screen like the one below.

If you click here, “Transfer (Bulk) Results Inquiry Receipt”
You will see the screen below.

Click on the file name
The details appear as below.

This is how you can find your deposit account number. ^^

Let’s do our best, small business owners.

It is not easy to open an account at a bank these days. It’s probably because of the people who open it with the intention of using it for the bad. I remember that in the past, you could open several accounts at one bank.

Anyway, I am using Shinhan Bank as my main account. When I opened an account at Shinhan, I once created three accounts at once to sort money. Currently, I am using only one account. Some of you, like me, have made several bankbooks.

This time, I will write about how to check Shinhan Bank account. If you know this method, you will be able to see all the accounts you have created before, so you can check if there are accounts created without your knowledge.

The method is so simple, please feel free to read it.

How to check Shinhan Bank account

# To do a Shinhan bank account inquiry, you need to install the #Shinhan Sol app. And, please run the app after completing identity verification.

This is the first screen where the Shinhan Sol app is launched. You can check the main account number on this screen, but if you want to view all other accounts, click the [三] menu button in the upper right corner.

In the main menu on the left, there are inquiry, transfer, utility bill, management, product, foreign exchange, etc. # To search for Shinhan bank account number, click [Search All Accounts] at the top of the search menu.

Click [Search All Accounts].

When you switch to the full account inquiry screen, the account number inquiry is complete. On this screen, you can check the bankbooks opened in Shinhan, the status and balance of the opened bankbooks, and the bankbook numbers at once.

Not only that, you can check all the histories that I have used in Shinhan.

I had four opened. For more detailed information about each account, tap each account once.

If you click on each account, you can check the new date (opening date), transaction date, balance, income start date, income end date, etc. of the account as shown in the picture above.

It’s been a while, so there were some things I couldn’t remember. So, I think we should look at the search results in detail and review our memories.

So far, I have written about how to find and search Shinhan Bank account numbers. Through this method, if you search your bankbook, you will find that you have forgotten your pocket money.