경남은행 모바일 신용대출 플러스 BNK Gyeongnam Bank, ‘BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus’ Sales: Naver Blog

경남은행 모바일 신용대출 플러스BNK Gyeongnam Bank, ‘BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus’ Sales

-Interest rates ranging from 3.46% to 13% per annum… 0.2% discount provided if only one of the conditions, such as salary transfer, is met
-Limit up to 30 million won, up to twice the annual income… Targeting salary earners with a credit rating of 7 or higher and an annual income of 10 million won or more

BNK Gyeongnam Bank has relaunched BNK The Jo Eun High-Interest Credit Loan under the new name BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus.

BNK Gyeongnam Bank is selling ‘BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus’ targeting financially disadvantaged and young adults with medium to low credit.

BNK Gyeongnam Bank Mobile Banking App-exclusive loan product BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus contains the meaning in the product name that ‘we will provide help to the financially disadvantaged who use high-interest loans due to insufficient loan limits or difficulty in obtaining loans from first-tier financial institutions, as well as to those with low or medium credit scores, such as young adults in society who need funds.’

The interest rate (as of June 2) is between a minimum of 3.46% per annum and a maximum of 13% per annum (excluding education tax), and a 0.2% discount is provided if only one of the conditions, such as salary transfer, average balance maintenance, or credit card use, is met.

The limit is up to 30 million won (up to 20 million won for self-employed individuals), which is up to twice the annual income.

Anyone with a credit rating of 7 or higher and an annual income of 10 million won or more can use it for up to 5 years (apply annually).

Repayment is made in equal installments of principal and interest without a grace period.

Choi Woo-hyung, Group Leader of the Digital Finance Division, said, “BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus is a financial product that takes into consideration not only customers whose loan applications with low credit ratings have been rejected, but also customers who are using high-interest loans from other financial institutions. As the product name has been changed and it is being sold again, we hope that many customers will use BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus to secure stability in their lives.”

BNK Gyeongnam Bank is also selling a face-to-face loan product, ‘BNK Credit Loan Plus,’ that can be applied for at branches separately from the non-face-to-face loan product, BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus.

BNK Credit Loan Plus, like BNK Mobile Credit Loan Plus, is available to anyone who is an individual or self-employed person with a credit rating of 7 or higher and an annual income of 10 million won or more.

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경남은행 모바일 신용대출 플러스
