갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천 및 효능,부작용 Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 recommendation and efficacy, side effects

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 efficacy, ultra-simple female hormone self-diagnosis and reason for recommending Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1
갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천

Menopause, which is becoming the biggest enemy of middle-aged women, is passed by in good health, but there are many who do not. In order to spend menopause more healthily, it is said that the secretion of the female hormone estrogen should be well. Today, we will learn about the efficacy of menopausal lactobacillus YT1, which is helpful for various menopausal symptoms while stimulating the secretion of estrogen.



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[Nutrient Information_09] Laccobacillus Acidophilus YT1_ Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1
As we get older, there are not a few people who are going through menopause among our friends and family. Of course, I try to stay healthy, but what is not as easy as I think is menopausal symptoms. In this post, I tried to explain why menopause comes and how to safely pass it.


[Finding Nutrients_No. 09] Table of Contents
① What is menopause?
② Super simple self-diagnosis of female hormones
③ What is menopausal lactobacillus YT1?
④ Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 efficacy
⑤ Menopausal Lactobacillus Side Effects

① What is menopause?
In general, it is about 10 years from the mid to late 40s to the mid to late 50s, around 5 years after menopause, and it refers to the period when female hormones rapidly decrease and change greatly.

However, it is said that the aforementioned 10 years is just a normal period and there are very large individual differences. Some people appear briefly around their 50s, and some people experience menopause in their 70s or just before death. In the end, it is said that preparation in advance is important because no one knows when and how long menopause will take.


Menopausal symptoms ⓒ 
1. Menopausal symptoms
As for menopausal symptoms, about 30 abnormal symptoms such as body temperature control, depression, and facial flushing occur, so it can be seen that menopause threatens life for middle-aged women. The most representative menopausal symptom is facial flushing! Since there are many blood vessels on the face, it is not hot, but the blood vessels are dilated, making the face red, and the pulse is quickened and the blood pressure rises.

However, when menopause comes, physical changes are also a problem, but psychological changes cannot be ignored. It is menopausal when you feel depressed, such as fatigue, irritation, and loss of motivation.

2. Why Menopause Comes

Estrogen decline trend ⓒ 

The average age of menopause for Korean women is 49.7 years old. At menopause, the secretion of the female hormone estrogen secreted by the ovaries of women is markedly reduced. Estrogen is a hormone that not only plays a role in producing and growing eggs in the ovary, but also affects all parts of our body.

Therefore, the reason why menopause comes can be seen as the biggest drop in female hormones after menopause. And keeping the ovaries that secrete estrogen well can be seen as a foundation for a healthy life after menopause.


② Super simple self-diagnosis of female hormones
Severe mood swings
Decreased concentration and judgment.
He has no motivation in everything and is depressed.
Difficulty falling asleep and waking up often.
My hair is not shiny and falls out a lot.
My belly fat increased and my leg muscles shrunk.
The skin becomes dry and wrinkles and spots appear.
Joints are sore and sore.
If 3 or more of these items are checked, you should suspect that you have a lack of female hormones!


③ What is menopausal lactobacillus YT1?
The official name is Lactobacillus Acidophilus YT1.


More than 100 trillion microorganisms live in our intestines, and Lactobacillus acidophilus menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is also one of the lactic acid bacteria living in the intestines. In particular, it is also called lactic acid bacteria specialized for menopause because it helps relieve and effectively control menopausal symptoms.

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 is K-Lactobacillus developed in Korea for the first time in the world. It is said that the Korea Food Research Institute accidentally discovered menopausal lactobacillus YT1 while researching the correlation between osteoporosis and intestinal microbes.

It was confirmed that there were a specific number of lactic acid bacteria in the intestines of healthy mice without osteoporosis, and it was Lactobacillus acidophilus YT1. In fact, it was announced that mice that had a lot of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 showed relatively fewer osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms.




④ Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 efficacy (reason for recommending menopausal lactobacillus YT1)
1. Helps relieve menopausal symptoms
Menopausal women’s health is related to the female hormone estrogen, and this estrogen is produced in the ovaries and moves throughout the body through blood vessels. However, it does not move directly to the body, but is reabsorbed through the intestine and moves throughout the body.

After all, when the intestinal environment is improved, the absorption rate increases when estrogen is reabsorbed in the intestine. As the absorption rate of estrogen increases, it can help improve menopausal symptoms.

Pomegranates, beans, kudzu, etc. are known to be rich in isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens. These isoflavones contain many compounds that look similar to estrogen, so they can help relieve menopausal symptoms. However, the molecular structures are similar, but not perfectly identical. And another problem is that when supplementing hormones through food, the absorption rate in the body is low, so it is difficult to completely replace estrogen.

When menopausal lactobacillus YT1 enters our body, it stimulates the receptor that accepts estrogen, not estrogen, and activates the female hormone that it originally had, helping to absorb and use it in the body.

In fact, there is a report that when menopausal women were given menopausal lactobacillus YT1, various menopausal symptoms caused by a decrease in estrogen in the body were improved. In addition, symptoms such as hot flashes, numbness in hands and feet, depression, and joint pain were at a serious level of 32.75 points before supplementation, but after taking menopausal lactobacillus YT1, it was confirmed that the symptoms were lowered to 11.25 points.



Efficacy of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 ⓒ Aljjawang

In addition, there is a menopausal life evaluation index that evaluates a total of 29 items and checks the physical and psychological symptoms of menopausal women.
In this index, it was confirmed that menopausal symptoms such as physical condition, psychosocial condition, and vasomotor condition were relieved and overall quality of life improved after taking menopausal lactobacillus YT1.

Due to these effects, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety also recognized it as a functional raw material for menopausal women’s health.

2. Promote secretion of female hormone estrogen
Another function of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is to turn on the sleeping female hormone switch. In order for estrogen to work, it must combine with the female hormone receptor, but if menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is consumed steadily, it stimulates and activates the female hormone receptor, and works again by combining with estrogen to play its role.

Since it activates the estrogen originally in my body, it can help me escape from the three major diseases of middle-aged women such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and menopausal belly fat caused by a lack of estrogen more safely.

3. Helps Vaginal Health
Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 helps with vaginal dryness and sexual dysfunction, which are menopausal women’s diseases. In fact, in one study, it was confirmed that vaginal dryness and sexual dysfunction were significantly improved when menopausal women were constantly ingested with menopausal lactobacillus YT1.




4. Helps improve blood vessel health
Menopausal lactobacillus YT1 can help improve vascular disease by activating estrogen receptors. When estrogen decreases, more cholesterol and triglycerides accumulate in the blood vessels. At this time, if you take menopausal lactobacillus YT1, it can help smooth blood flow while playing the role of piercing blood vessels.

In fact, when menopausal lactobacillus YT1 was administered to rats that had undergone menopause by removing the ovaries for 12 weeks, it was confirmed that triglycerides and bad cholesterol decreased and good cholesterol increased.

5. Helps improve osteoporosis
Stimulating female hormones by supplementing menopausal lactic acid bacteria YT1 can help prevent osteoporosis by activating osteoblasts that build bones and suppressing osteoclasts that destroy bones.

When the rats that actually induced menopause were ingested with menopausal lactobacillus YT1, it was confirmed that osteoclast activity was inhibited, bone density increased, and pain sensitivity decreased.

6. Helps with Diet
If you choose the lactobacillus that lives up to the intestines and consume it steadily, the beneficial bacteria in the intestine will increase and the prestige of harmful bacteria will be broken. As the harmful bacteria that accumulate fat and interfere with energy metabolism are reduced, it is naturally helpful for dieting.

In fact, after administering menopausal lactobacillus YT1 to rats for 12 weeks and examining weight changes, it was confirmed that not only weight but also body fat decreased.

7. Helps control appetite
Improving gut health can also help prevent things like overeating and binge eating during menopause.

Our intestines are where 90% of the neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is included when we eat food, makes us feel happy or satisfied. If the intestinal health is improved and the serotonin and leptin hormones work properly, you will feel happy and feel full quickly even if you eat a little, eliminating false hunger and helping to control your appetite.


⑤ Precautions when taking menopausal lactobacillus
The recommended intake of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is 100 million CFU per day as live bacteria. Ingestion of more than this amount may cause discomfort such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, so caution is required.

Since menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is a live bacteria, it should not be taken with antibiotics. This is because antibiotics kill probiotics. antibiotics