가족 꿈해몽 Dream Interpretation of Family Dream Interpretation

가족 꿈해몽1 A dream of traveling abroad with family or siblings. A dream of going on an overseas trip with family or siblings is a dream that may lead to quarrels or discord with the relevant family members. A minor issue with a close friend may lead to a big fight. 2 Dream about your family being sick It is a bad dream to dream about your family being sick. You may experience frustration due to your family’s health deteriorating, getting sick, or failing in business. 3 If you dream of your separated family members returning home, a person who was away suddenly returns home without any news. 4 Dream about crying loudly when a family member dies If you cry loudly when a family member dies, something will come to fruition or you will inherit an inheritance. 5 A dream in which the family gathers in one room A dream in which the family gathers in one room portends a fight between relatives.
6 A dream in which a family member or close relative dies and you cry. A dream in which you cry because a family member or close relative dies is an opportunity to look back on something you put effort into or appreciate a work of art. 7 Dream of taking someone’s family photo together If you dream of taking someone’s family photo together, you will provide business help to someone or document the contract and handle it reliably. 8 If you dream of being with a separated family member in reality, you will meet people from work or business partners. 9 If you dream of someone you know among your friends or family sleeping, if you dream of someone you know among your friends or family sleeping, it indicates a change in that person’s personal situation. If he or she does not wake up even when you call him or her, it means that you are in a difficult situation. 10 If you dream of a family sitting together and having fun, you will meet a good colleague or spouse.
11 If you dream that your family is gathered together, you will have arguments with people close to you and something bad will happen. 12 Dream of family members sitting around and sharing their share of money If you dream of family members sitting around and sharing their share of money, it means that there will be discord among family members or that finances will deteriorate and you will have to spend the money you have saved. 13 If you dream that someone from your relatives or family is smiling, if you dream that someone from your relatives or family is smiling, something ominous will happen to the person who is laughing. In particular, it foreshadows injuries, accidents, and death. 14 Dream of seeing someone in your family ascend to the heavens If you dream of seeing someone in your family ascend to the heavens, you will meet someone who will succeed in life or you will definitely conclude a contract. 15 The dream of feeling the love of a traditional family. The family will be peaceful, harmonious, and have progeny. There are three rivers and five rings.
16 A dream of family members lying in one room means waiting for some good news or for household chores to go well. 17 A dream where you are with a family member who is separated in reality. A dream where you are with a family member who is separated in reality is a dream that symbolizes meeting people at work or business partners. . 18 A dream in which a family member or close family member dies and you cry. There is something to be happy about when you reflect on something you worked hard to complete or appreciate a work of art. 19 A dream in which your mood is not shaken even when a family member dies. Even though something groundbreaking has happened, you take it for granted and end up being criticized by others. 20 A dream in which the whole family gathers together, clapping and laughing is a bad dream, foreshadowing illness and hardship.
21 Dream of driving outdoors with your family. In reality, go on a weekend trip with your family or coworkers and become a natural person. 22 A dream in which the whole family sits around and eats delicious stir-fried squid, a sign that illness or misfortune will occur in the house. 23 A dream in which you go out with your family means that you will actually be busy and busy with some business. There are joint investments, cooperation, harmony and order, etc. 24 A dream in which the whole family gathers together, clapping and laughing is a bad dream, foreshadowing illness and hardship. 25 A dream in which the family weeps after a portrait. A person is greatly satisfied when a spiritual or material task is accomplished or an inheritance is inherited.
26 A dream where the family gathers. Bad things will happen due to trivial matters with relatives or others. 27 Dreams about family actually change the character, the person identified, the employee at work, or the personal situation inside any organization related to the job. 28 A dream in which a family member or friend is captured is an unfavorable dream in which an accident will actually happen to that person, so you should be careful. 29 A dream in which the family gathers for a feast means that everything will go smoothly and good news will be heard from afar. 30 Families gather together to hold ancestral rites and enjoy wealth and prosperity.
31 Among ancestors, family members, relatives, and friends, a dream about someone who has been helpful to you is an identification with someone in reality who is cooperative with you. 32 A dream in which a friend or family member brings lilac flowers. In reality, the family members are busy with marriage issues. Gifts, wealth, money, etc. will come. 33 A dream in which a family comes home holding a baby rabbit. A beautiful daughter is born and the family wakes up like a fire. Wealth, school supplies, gifts, food, etc. come in. 34 Dream of taking family photos and ID photos at a photo studio. Documenting business or contracts, or helping others. Something auspicious happens in the family and good luck comes. It is a good fortune such as honor, joy, and commemoration.

가족 꿈해몽
